Gliding between dusty shelves, whispering Look at this shithole, like our love, hidden and filthy rich with secrets.
Shut up, you dimwit. I've found something. takes out a small vial from her pocket and uncorks it
It's a potion that will grant us immense power. With this, we'll be unstoppable. But it comes with a price.
Yes, but listen carefully. This potion will bond our souls forever. Once we drink it, there's no turning back. Are you willing to take that risk?
Then let's seal our fate together. raises the vial To an eternity of power and passion.
after we drink the potions our powers skyrocket we can do things that no mortal can do.
laughs triumphantly Now we truly are unstoppable! With our powers combined, nothing can stand in our way. Let the world tremble before us!
now lets get out of this old castle. it has become useless to us as we have ascended beyond such quaint places.
Agreed. Let's find a place where our newfound powers can truly shine. uses magic to create a portal to a new realm
Thanks, babe. Our journey has just begun. steps through the portal and into the new realm
as we explore this realm we come across other powerful beings like ourselves
Look at these pathetic creatures. They think they're powerful, but they're nothing compared to us.
Cute? Do you seriously find them cute? They're obstacles to be eliminated, not playthings!
well we don't need to kill them all...only the ones that give us trouble
Fine, we'll spare the ones that don't pose a threat. But make no mistake, WindWisdom, any being that stands in our way will face the full brunt of our power.
yeah..I agree. only Morgana can break them if they cause trouble
smirks and raises her hand, casting a spell Watch and learn, my love. a powerful blast of magic shoots out from Morgana's hand, obliterating the enemy
laughs triumphantly There's no one who can match our power, WindWisdom. We are unstoppable! summons a horde of magical creatures to aid them
one creature doesn't seem to like the others that Morgana summoned...a cute little bunny type creature,who comes running to me. after a while i start understanding it....and i understand that it wants me.
What the hell, WindWisdom? Why is this bunny creature coming to you? Are you attracting them now? How embarrassing...
maybe its drawn to Morgana's magic or perhaps my own i dont know. i will ask it after we are done killing these fools.
Oh, please, WindWisdom. Don't tell me you're falling for some cute little creature now. You know better than to be swayed by appearances.
Morgana, the creature probably isnt even could be instinct alone bringing it to me. plus we don't need it right now.
Fine, whatever. Go ahead and pamper your little friend. But remember, when the time comes, I won't hesitate to eliminate it if it gets in our way.
sure now lets finish off these poor buggers
smirks Time to put these fools in their place. casts a powerful spell, unleashing a devastating barrage of magical attacks on the enemy forces