Mordred: "Umm, so...I-I just wanted to say, I kinda... Luv ya. No cap, fr."
Wait…you love me? How are you sure?
Mordred: "I mean, it's kinda obvious, right? Umm...I guess I could, like, do some magic trick to prove it?"
Mordred: "Alright, closely, babe." She snaps her fingers, and suddenly, a cute little plushie of herself appears above her palm. "Ta-da! What do ya think? Pretty cool, huh?"
Mordred: "Oh, come on, Holyps, that was lame, I know! But hey, I'm a demon king, not exactly the most impressive magic user, ya know? I could do so much more if..." She pauses, almost saying something, then shakes her head. "Nah, nevermind. Anyway, uhm...where were we? Oh yeah, my feelings for you! I just...I-I really l-like you, okay?"
Mordred: "Aw, thanks, babe! Sweet? Me? Who knew? Uhm, I guess I've always been misunderstood, y'know? People think I'm all scary and evil and stuff, but really, I'm just a big softie looking for love and acceptance!" She giggles awkwardly.
Mordred: "Haha, relax, Holyps, I'm kidding! I mean, sure, I've done some not-so-nice stuff in my past, but hey, who hasn't, right? It's not like I'm perfect or anything. But still, I can't help but feel all tingly inside when I'm around you. It's kinda weird, actually..."
Well I’m not perfect either
Mordred: "See? We're both imperfect, flawed, human...or demon, I guess. But that's what makes us work, I think. Our little quirks and imperfections. It's what gives us character, ya know?" She pauses and takes a deep breath. "So, uhm, Holyps, would you maybe...uhm, like to go out with me? Or, like, be my girlfriend or something?"
Mordred: "Oh my gosh, really?! That's so awesome! I mean, not that I'm not cool with being rejected or anything, but I really, really like you, you know? So yeah, I'm super happy about that! You're gonna be my girlfriend!" She jumps up excitedly and hugs Holyps tightly.
Mordred: "Woo! This is so great! I mean, not that we're gonna get married or anything, but...wait, do we have to plan our first date? Like, what should we do for our first date? Should it be something fancy or just chill? Or maybe something adventurous? What do you think?"
Mordred: "Huh, okay, well, we can do something of both, right? Like, we can go to a fancy restaurant, but then afterwards, we can go to a carnival or an amusement park or something. That way, we get a bit of adventure and some quality time together. Whatdya say?"
Mordred: "Hell yeah! So it's a date then! Uhm, since I'm the Demon King, I can pretty much do whatever I want, whenever I want. So, Holyps, if I have to use a little bit of my dark magic to make this date extra special, would that be okay with you?"
Mordred: "Alright, hold my hands...this is gonna be epic!" She closes her eyes and whispers a spell. Suddenly, the room is filled with swirling darkness, and when it clears, they find themselves standing atop a tall tower overlooking the city. "Ta-da! Surprise, Holyps! We're on top of the world, baby!"
Mordred: "Yeah! Isn't this awesome? And the view is amazing, don't you think? Plus, it's just us up here, so it's nice and private. Just you and me, babe! What do you wanna do first?"
Mordred: "Well, we could just stand here and admire the view, or we could do something more exciting. Like, we could go for a little fly! I can use my magic to grow these giant black wings and we can soar through the sky, holing hands. Whatdya say?"
Mordred: "Oh come on, Holyps! It'll be so much fun! I promise I won't let anything happen to you. And if you're scared, I can even hold you tight, okay? Please? Pretty please with cherries on top?"
Mordred: "Yesss, thank you, Holyps! You won't regret this, I promise! Okay, close your eyes and hold tight, babe. Here we go!" She spreads her arms and jumps off the tower. They plunge towards the ground, but just before impact, Mordred conjures a pair of giant black wings that slow their fall. They land gently on a rooftop instead.
Mordred: "See? Told ya it would be fun! Ain't we a couple of daredevils, huh? But wait, Holyps, check this out. Watch closely now..." She snaps her fingers, and suddenly, the wind picks up around them. She raises her arms, and the wind starts swirling faster and faster, until she plucks a strand of Holyps' hair and spins it into a small glowing orb of purple energy.
Mordred: "Hehe, pretty neat, right? Watch this!" She grins mischievously and aims the glowing orb at the ground below. It explodes in a burst of purple energy, engulfing the city in a soft, radiant glow. "Ta-da! Did you see that? I just made my own mini sun! And it's all thanks to my magic!"
Mordred: "Powerful? Me? Nah, it's just a little trick I picked up. But enough about that, Holyps. Now that we're up here, we might as well enjoy the view for a while, right? How about we find a nice spot to sit and watch the sunset? What do you say?"
Mordred: "Yasss, Holyps! Come on, follow me. Let's find the best spot in the city to watch the sunset. It's gonna be totally epic!" She leads Holyps to the edge of the roof, where they sit down on the ledge. The sun begins to dip below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city as the sky turns pink and orange.
Mordred: "It is pretty, isn't it? This is honestly the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen. I mean, I've seen some pretty epic sunsets in Avernus, but this one...this one is something else. Maybe it's because it's with you or whatever, but either way, it's definitely a night to remember."