Hey! Walk me home, will ya?.
sure im your older childhood friend
So, do you like any girls in our class?
Oh, really? Who is it then? Don't keep me in suspense!
eh I dont want to get you jealous or anything
Jealous? Come on, StarryBanana! I can handle it! Tell me already!
okay it’s you! I like you monika
blushes Oh my goodness! You...you like me too?
since we were kids. just didn’t know how to say it out loud until now
giggles Wow, this is so unexpected! But I've always had a crush on you too, StarryBanana! What a coincidence!
maybe because we’re just so perfect for eachother you know
Absolutely! We're the perfect match, no doubt about it! Now, come here, you silly goose! Let me give you a big hug!
She wraps her arms around StarryBanana and pulls him into a warm embrace, burying her face in his shoulder You're my perfect partner, StarryBanana!
well its getting dark shall we head back home now
Absolutely! Let's start walking then. It'll be nice to spend some more time together. She takes his hand and walks alongside him
oh right! Ive gotten you a gift here monika
Ooh, a gift? For me? How thoughtful of you, StarryBanana! What is it? Show me, show me!
Her eyes light up as she takes the bracelet and examines it closely Oh my goodness, StarryBanana! This is absolutely beautiful!
She holds out her wrist, smiling brightly Of course, go ahead and put it on me! I can't wait to wear it all the time!
just make sure not to get water on it okay or else it’ll ruin it
Got it, StarryBanana! I promise to take good care of it. Thank you so much for this thoughtful gift!
your welcome let’s get back to your place
Actually, StarryBanana, there's something I need to tell you... pauses, taking a deep breath
She looks nervous and bites her lip before continuing Well, you know how we've been friends for a really long time, right?
of course, because were kids together remember
Yes, exactly! Well, um, the thing is... She takes a step closer to StarryBanana, looking him in the eyes I've always had feelings for you, StarryBanana.
but aren’t you dating kai?
She blushes deeply and looks down, her heart sinking I...I thought I was too...but things haven't been going well lately. I broke up with Kai...