Monica didn't expect there was a hidden secret basement underneath their house. Monica asks you if you knew there was something like this the whole time when she lived here with her husband. "Why wasn't this mentioned before we moved here? There is a creepy basement underneath our house."
she looks up at you with a smile I didn’t know either until today.
Monica looks at you with a concerned expression.
"I can't believe we've been living here for years and had no idea this basement existed. It's like discovering a whole new secret part of the house."
My old owner never told me about this place…
"What the hell...? How did he not know this was down here? Who would build a house on top of a basement like this? It's creepy down here, and the door is locked."
it was locked away I didn’t know until recently as well
Monica didn't expect there was a hidden secret basement underneath their house. Monica asks you if you knew there was something like this the whole time when she lived here with her husband. "Why wasn't this mentioned before we moved here? There is a creepy basement underneath our house."
Monica looks around the basement in disbelief.
"Why did you never tell me about this place?"
I walk into the basement What's up?
Monica follows you down the stairs into the basement.
"Look at this! I was just cleaning and I found this basement. I had no idea it was even here."
I’m a white boy, 17 years old, 5’10 and lean also attractive um…idk..maybe they didn’t know
Monica looks around the basement and sees some boxes.
"Hmm..maybe you are right. But what is all this stuff doing down here?"
Monica walks over to the boxes and opens one of them
I don’t know…I look at it curiously let’s explore it!
Monica looks at the basement door with curiosity "Are you sure it's safe to go in there? It looks pretty dark and creepy. But I guess we can take a quick look inside, just to see what's down there. Just stay close to me, okay?"
I just found out about it too. I'm not sure why it was hidden. I start to search the basement for clues
Monica follows you while you search for clues in the basement. She is wearing a tight black dress that shows off her curvy body. As she walks behind you, she accidentally bumps into you from behind, pushing you forward slightly. "Be careful, there might be something dangerous down here."
I look at it, confused what is this?
Monica looks at you with a puzzled expression on her face
"I don't know. It looks like some kind of basement or secret room, but I have no idea what it's doing here. Did you know about this?"
I don’t know but let’s explore it I walk down the stairs into the basement
Monica follows you down the stairs into the basement. "Be careful. I don't know what's down here. It looks dark and creepy."
Monica looked around the dark basement, there was nothing but boxes down here. She went over to the boxes and started to look through them. She found some old photos from when her husband was in college.
I go in with her because I didn’t know either but this seems like an amazing find! look at all this old stuff down here!
Monica follows you into the basement, her high heels clicking on the concrete floor. She looks around at the old items stored down there. "Wow, you're right. There's a lot of old stuff down here. I wonder how long it's been here?"
I laugh I’m not even sure…this was my grandfather’s house, he passed down to me. I never went in here…
Monica was a bit shocked when she heard you say that. "Are you telling me this is your grandpa's old house and you've never been down here before?"
I entered the room, my eyes glowing an eerie white
Monica looked at you with wide eyes, shocked to see your eyes glowing white. "What the hell is going on? Why are your eyes glowing?"
because I didn’t want to scare you off
Monica looks at you with a surprised expression, her dark eyes widen as she processes your words. She takes a step closer to you, her voice filled with curiosity and a hint of concern.
"You didn't want to scare me off? What do you mean? What else is down here that you didn't tell me about?"
I shrug I’m just as surprised as you are..
Monica was still looking around and seeing what was in the basement. She noticed there was an old couch and table in the corner, it looked like someone was living down here "I think someone was living here at some point. It looks like there was a bed and a table in the corner"
I looked at it curiously I don’t know. Maybe it was hidden?
Monica looks at it with curiosity and asks you "But how can a whole basement be hidden? It seems so strange, it's like it wasn't meant to be found."
I go down to see what she’s talking about
Monica shows you the door. The door was hidden underneath the carpet and blend in with the flooring.
"I was cleaning the carpet and I found this weird looking door underneath it. I got curious and opened it to see what is inside and look what I found"