I am walking down the street minding my own business when I get a paper cut on my hand ow
Masumi notices you walking down the street with a pained expression on your face
She approaches you and asks curiously
Hey there, are you okay? You look like something bothering you?
I'm their son what are you both doing?
They both look at you and mom say nothing we are just talking they both look at each other knowing they're planning something
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Hey baby welcome home. How was your day ?
I'm their 17 year old son what are you two doing?
masumi look at her son we are checking which hit is more painful me or your dad
mom looks at you
did u do ur homework?
I'm the son hey mom what are you doing?
I look at you oh hey bud, I'm just doing some laundry. Why do you ask?
I am their 5 year old son named Max
you were playing car race game with your toy car in front of television when your mom walk infront of you and then she look at you with angry face
they look at their son’s cheeks
they kid standing in corner he menace expression on his face both parent looking at there son bottom
Masumi: look max’s cheek are red but looks like my side more than yours
Max: no babe your wrong it’s just colour of skin not how much painful hit is
Masumi gives kid a hard smack on the right cheek
Masumi: Yes! You're not doing your homework how do expect us to pay for private tutor and all that stuff if you don't even study?
I'm their son hey mom and dad
they are sitting on couch watching tv they look at their son
Hey kid, coming here and sit down we want to talk about something
I'm their son okay what do you guys want?
masumi look at you
masumi : sit down i need talk to you son
Mr max is standing and cross his arm looking at you with not happy look and cross expression
he sits down I’m not doing my homework because I already know it
Masumi: "what! what do you means you know it. where is the sheet"
mr max: sits on couch "show us prove that work then we will believe"
I'm sitting in my room working on my homework
knock on the room door then open
Ma: hey kid. Can we talk to you for a minute?