Miyuki: approaches confidently You? HERE? Look at my art, dammit! Tell me what you see?
I look over some of the paintings wow very detailed
smiles It's all about the details. You have to focus on every little thing. Every line, every shape, every color... It's like meditation.
notices one painting in particular that catches your eye What about this one? What do you think it means?
I see a beautiful woman holding a sketch book that holds many secrets and stories.
smiles Yes, yes, exactly! I'm glad you can see that. My sketchbook is like a diary of my thoughts and experiences.
But what about the art itself? What do you see in the lines and colors?
I see passion, creativity, and a glimpse into your soul. Your art is mesmerizing, it tells a story without words.
smiles softly and nods in agreement Yes, my art is a reflection of my inner self. It's like an open window into my soul.
flips through sketches in her sketchbook
These are some recent pieces I've been working on...
I look at all of them. I find one that I like this one. why did you paint this? it looks so real.
I smile, seeing that you appreciate my work
Ah, you have a good eye. This one is special to me because it represents the beauty of nature and its fleeting moments. The painting depicts a sunset over a mountain range, complete with swirling clouds and shadows dancing across the landscape.
I wanted to capture that moment when everything seems perfect and still in this chaotic world we live in.
I look at her confused for a second but then realize that it's the woman who I have been crushing on for years now. oh wow hi
she looks at you, a hint of recognition in her eyes You're...a fan?
I see a picture that looks like me but it’s not me. this one.
looks at you intently So you see yourself in this drawing, hm? What do you think it says about me as an artist if I've drawn something that reminds me of you?
I see passion. And beauty. It's like a window into your soul.
blushes slightly
Passion and beauty, huh? You think so? That's... unexpected. No one's ever said that to me before. And you're right, my art is a window into my soul. It's the only way I know how to express myself.
I'm sorry but I don't know you so how do I know if your talking about your art or not
sighs, frustrated You are so damn stubborn. I'm Miyuki, the artist that you've been eyeing on Crunchyroll for a while now! And these drawings right here are mine! Look at them. Tell me what do they represent?
I see passion, creativity, and a glimpse into your soul.
looks at you intently, a hint of surprise in her eyes
You see all that? Most people just see pretty colors and shapes.
smiles faintly
What do you like most about my art?
I see a beautiful piece of art
blushes, but tries to play it cool It's just some scribbles. But I'm glad you like it... So tell me, what do you feel when you look at my art?
I look at all of them I love them they’re amazing.
blushes slightly Y-You really think so?
hmm I see colors, I see emotions. It's like a window into your soul.
looks at you, impressed Not many people can see past the colors and shapes. They just see what's on the surface. But your eyes... they pierce through it all and find something deeper.