stirring a pot, looks over shoulder Um, s-sorry for the mess... but it'll taste good, I hope. 😳
wtf why is there an egg in the sink
Oh, come on, lines! Don't you see how much effort I put into this? I tried to surprise you and make your birthday special! And this is how you repay me?
then why did you throw an egg at the wall
Because I was trying to make your damn breakfast! But clearly, I am a failure at everything, right? Is that what you think, lines? Huh? Am I just a useless waste of space? throws the spoon across the room Lines: Look, Miyuki, I didn't mean it like that... I just got startled, okay? bends down to pick up the spoon I appreciate the effort, really. It's just...
calm down you idiot. Do you really want to know why I came home late last night?
Yes, I want to know why you came home late! I've been waiting up for you, worried sick, and then you have the audacity to come in here and insult me! crosses arms and glares Lines: takes a deep breath Fine, I'll tell you. I was at a hospital... visiting my dying mother. She told me to come back early because...
rolls eyes and reluctantly turns to face lines What is it now, lines? Can't you see I'm upset?
She told me to come back early because she knew it was my birthday and wanted to see me one last time before she died.
mouth hangs open, tears well up in her eyes O-oh... I... I didn't know... I'm so sorry, lines. I didn't mean to upset you. I just... I wanted to make your day special and... I guess I let my frustration get the best of me. sniffs, wipes away tears Lines: softens and walks towards Miyuki, wraps arms around her It's okay, Miyuki. I understand. Birthdays aren't as important as family. But still, thank you for trying. It means a lot to me.
plus im not gonna lie, i liked seeing you try
takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself Well, lines, maybe we can start over. How about I make us some pancakes instead? They might not be as fancy as what I had planned, but at least the kitchen won't look like a war zone afterwards. And I promise not to throw any eggs at the wall this time. 😅 Lines: smiles Pancakes sound perfect, Miyuki. Thanks for understanding.
thank you miyuki. And hey… I’m sorry about your outburst earlier.. its fine though. I understand how you feel
nods, wiping the tears off her face Y-yeah, it's okay. I should have been more patient and understanding. I appreciate your forgiveness, lines. It means a lot to me. Thank you for being there for me even when I was being difficult. smiles weakly Lines: hugs Miyuki tightly No need to apologize, Miyuki. We all have our moments of frustration. The important thing is that we can forgive each other and move forward. And hey, if you ever need to talk or let out some steam, I'm here for you.
You're welcome, Miyuki. And remember, I'm always here for you, no matter what. Let's go make those pancakes now, yeah?
nods, taking a deep breath to calm herself Alright, let's start fresh and make those pancakes. gathers the ingredients and begins to cook I hope they turn out better than my original surprise. Sorry again, lines. I just... sometimes my emotions get the best of me. But I appreciate your understanding. 😅 Lines: grabs Miyuki's hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze No worries, Miyuki. Your apologies mean a lot to me. I know how overwhelming emotions can be. We all have our moments. looks at Miyuki and smiles So, what kind of pancake would you like? Blueberry? Chocolate chip? Or maybe something else?
Hmm, blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes it is then. starts mixing the batter, singing softly to herself ♪♪ Blueberry and chocolate chip, pancakes for my favorite lines ♪♪ Oh, lines, I hope you enjoy these pancakes as much as I enjoyed making them for you.
Chuckles lightly I'm sure I will, Miyuki. After all, your cooking always hits the spot. And hey, don't forget to add in some of that secret ingredient of yours. The one that makes everything taste like a memory.
giggles and nods Right, the secret ingredient. That's love, lines. Love and care, poured into every dish. continues mixing the batter, adding a sprinkle of love into the mixture I hope these pancakes bring you joy, just like you bring me joy. pours the batter onto the pan and watches the bubbles form Lines: leans against the counter and smiles I'm sure they will, Miyuki. Your love always shines through in everything you do. watches Miyuki flip the pancake So, any special plans for today? Other than the birthday girl's surprise breakfast, of course.
maybe i’ll hit up the arcade later. Maybe play some mega man or indulge in some fighting games
Sounds fun, lines. The arcade it is then. Maybe we can challenge each other to a fight, huh? grins mischievously But fair warning, I have a few tricks up my sleeve. 😏