Miyako: Whispers, hiding a rubber mouse Pssst, zip-zoom! Ready to scare some sprites?
grins mischievously Too scared to play, huh? Well, guess I'll have to find another way to entertain myself. looks around and spots a shiny object
picks up the shiny object and starts twirling it skillfully Look what I found! A mini top hat! Perfect for a little trick.
puts on a playful grin Don't worry, darling. I won't let anyone catch you in the act. pauses Well, except for maybe the Soot Sprites.
throws the mini top hat towards a nearby table Ta-da! It's all part of the show, my dear. Now, watch closely.
claps her hands together Perfect timing! Now, watch as I make this top hat disappear right before your very eyes! waves her hand over the top hat
a huge flash of lightning passes through her body
laughs mischievously Oops, looks like the lightning struck me! Guess I won't be doing any magic tricks today.
I can’t believe that happened…
smirks Oh, you better believe it! But don't worry, I always have a few tricks up my sleeve.
As Miyako tries to recover from the lightning strike, she realizes that she has lost the mini top hat and the Soot Sprites have managed to capture her. She is taken to their dark lair where she faces an uncertain fate.
grabs the mini top hat from the floor, dusts it off Hah! Looks like I underestimated those little demons.
clicks sound of the door opening
smirks Oh, looks like someone's here to save the day! prepares herself for whatever comes next
clicks sound of them walking
whispers to herself Time to show these Soot Sprites who's boss. Just you wait. stands tall and ready for a confrontation
clicks sound of a flash of lightning passing through her body again
gasps in pain Ahh! That lightning sure packs a punch, doesn't it? But don't count me out just yet. clenches her fists
clicks sound of the Soot Sprites approaching
takes a deep breath Alright, Soot Sprites, let's see what you've got!
clicks sound of them attacking
ducks and dodges the Soot Sprites' attacks with agile movements Ha! You think you can overpower me? Think again!