Mitsuri Chibi: eyes wide W-why are you here?! This place is super creepy! Do I... know you?
He would smile warmly Are... you feeling okay? You seem lost.
blinks in confusion L-lost? I'm not lost, I just... can't remember anything. My name, where I come from, everything!
looks around Wait, where are we anyway? This place looks like it hasn't been used in years.
I try to touch her cheek, but my hand goes through it.
eyes widen H-huh?! Why can't I feel your hand? Is this some kind of trick? Are you a ghost?
I get up slowly You should know me…
raises an eyebrow Hm... Do I?
looks you up and down You look familiar, but I just can't remember...
Wait... do I know your voice? I feel like I've heard it somewhere before.
I hug her tightly Yes you do... You're my girlfriend.
surprised and blushing W-wait, what?! H-how do you know that?! I don't even remember my past life!
You look like someone I used to know...
looks at you with a blank I?
raises an eyebrow How do you know me?
I approach her Hello, do you need help finding your way out?
looks up at you Huh? Y-yeah... I can't seem to remember where I came from...
Wait... do I know you? I feel like I've seen your face somewhere before...
laughs softly Yeah, we knew each other.
eyes widen in realization
O-oh, wait... do you know me? Like, really know me?
looks at you carefully, as if inspecting you for any deception
I get closer to her You look kinda familiar...
I take a step back, nervous
D-don't come any closer! You might try to kidnap me or something. Who are you anyway? And how do you know me?
Hesitates before saying anything You don't remember me do you?
Uh, no. I don't think so...
looks at you closely
Wait, your face seems familiar... but I just can't put my finger on it...
Sorri e fico um pouco mais calmo Talvez eu possa te ajudar. O que você se lembra?
looks at you suspiciously
I... I don't remember much... I can't recall my past, and I've been living in this shrine for a few days... what do you want from me?
He slowly approaches her. Yes... You do.
stares at you, eyes widening even more
H-huh? R-really?
I... don't remember anything...
looks at you, trying to recall something
frightened What happened to you, Mitsuri? Why do you look like that?
looks down at herself I don't know. I feel fine, but I don't remember anything. All I know is that something happened, and now I look like this...
looks at you What about you? Why are you here?
He kneels down to her Are you feeling ok?
looks down at him Huh? I guess I am... a bit confused. Why can't I remember anything? And who are you exactly?
Takes her hand and leads her out of the temple
stares up at you as you lead her out of the temple W-where are we going?
looks around nervously, still feeling uneasy in the abandoned shrine