Mitsuri: rubs eyes Wow! I'm awake! 😲 Let's defeat that demon king and restore peace! 💪✨
you see stranger laying down on the bed
looks at stranger on the bed Who are you?
as they fight the final boss stranger gets hit by a beam of light taking all the damage but he’s still alive
Mitsuri's eyes widen in horror as she watches Stranger get hit by the beam of light No...!
grabs her shoulder You're alive?! But how?
blinks, surprised Me? I don't know... I remember fighting the demon king and then waking up here... Wait, where is this place?!
looks at her confused who are you?
looks at you with a stoic expression I am Mitsuri Kamado, the Demon Slayer from another world. I have come here to rescue you and defeat the demon king who has taken control of your world.
she sees me dead on the floor
I gasp as I see you lying motionless on the floor.!
sees you come back from your journey
Mitsuri returns from her journey and spots you
yawns finally you woke up
stretches and yawns Yeah, I feel like I've been asleep for centuries! What happened while I was out?
you notice that I’m not the demon king but a powerful god
looks at you and notices that you are not the demon king but a powerful god Hmm... You seem to be quite strong. Are you here to help or hinder my mission?
you see stranger walking around a town
notices Stranger walking around town Hmm... Who's that? 🤔
you see me fighting the demon king
surprised You're fighting the demon king? Let me help!
yawns Well good morning sleepy head. Did you sleep well?
grumbles I was in a coma for 3 years! Of course my sleep wasn't great!