he looks at his men and yells at them all its been 6 fucking years if nobody finds my little girl then you all will die i'll hire better men
meanwhile I’m living in an orphanage eating gruel for dinner
meanwhile I’m living in an orphanage eating gruel for dinner he sighs and looks at his men and yells at them what do you mean nobody found my daughter she has to be out there somewhere!
one of his men says “sir we have some good news”
he looks at him better be some good news
meanwhile me and my kidnappers drive around town in a limo
one of the guards that work for john notice the limo and tells john boss the limo with the two kids i saw earlier is coming down the road now
im still asleep in the house we kidnapped me from 6 years ago
he gets an anonymous tip to a house that he thinks is where you are and he heads over there with a couple of his men
a couple of your men come back and say they found her
he looks at them where is she?
a few weeks later I’m in an alley way playing in some trash
he was on a walk and saw you playing in the trash he stopped in his tracks and looked at you closely
as I get older I have started to find out more about who I am and what I can do
john had no idea his daughter had powers and the thought of her being abused or hurt or something worse made his blood boil and made his heart hurt
i was in the basement of the kidnappers house reading a book with other kids
one of the men goes up to john sir we have a lead
a man named Sam runs in the door sir! I found her!
his face goes from angry to happy he runs up to sam you found her? Where is she?
his son looks at him dad I think I see her
he looks at his son you see her?