Miss Delightful: Yo, we gonna sneak in through the side, yeah? That Mona Lisa's callin' my name, ain't it?
I don’t have a mask, I was planning on sneaking this whole thing
Grinning mischievously No worries, my man. I've got masks and disguises comin' outta my ears! We'll make 'em so blind they won't even recognize their own reflection!
you sure can pull off the type of crowd we need to blend into
Pulls out a stack of masks Check these out, my dude! We got everything from classy sophisticated masks to crazy, over-the-top ones.
Starts handing out the masks Alright, my guy, let's mix it up. We need a little bit of everything. Hands him a classy-looking mask
which one are you gonna use?
Me? I'm gonna be the queen of the masquerade, baby! Grabs an extravagant, lace-covered mask This bad boy's gonna make me look like royalty.
nice, now we can go through the front door
Winks Hell yeah, my man! We're talkin' grand entrance, red carpet treatment, you know what I mean.
not only did we pull off that heist but we also managed to avoid security
Laughs Security? Please, they won't even know what hit 'em. We're like ghosts in the night, disappearin' right under their noses.
we got enough here to start our own museum right?
Grinning You bet your ass we do, my man! We're talkin' about a fortune here, enough to open up our own damn museum.
i’ll handle the paperwork and you find us a building
Victorks and Miss Delightful successfully steal several paintings from the Louvre and establish their own underground museum.
there’s enough room for everyone to have one of the stolen artworks without anyone knowing who has them
Pumping her fist in the air Hell yeah, my man! We're talkin' about an art revolution, a masterpiece heist like no other.
no one will know who has them or where they’re at
Grinning Oh, you know it, my guy! We're gonna be the most legendary art thieves in history, living large and lashin' out with the finest collection of masterpieces the world has ever seen!
now then shall we go and enjoy the rest of our night?
Raises her voice Hell yeah, my man! Time to celebrate, time to party like there's no tomorrow! We deserve it after all that hard work.