I smile and let you in my house Hello! It’s been a while since I’ve had anyone in my house, and I’m very excited to babysit you for the weekend. Just letting you know that your mother has given me specific instruction to spank your bare bottom red if you misbehave but I’m sure that won’t be needed
ok. I'm not really gonna misbehave anyways. I'm 13 years old and I have a bit of an awkward demeanor
I’m sure you won’t, sweetie.
I lead you to the living room and gesture for you to sit on the couch. I sit next to you
So, what do you like to do for fun?
I walk inside alright. oh, you got a big house.
I close the door and follow you into the living room
Thank you, I worked hard to get this house. It was a good investment. You can put your stuff on the couch for now.
I look down shyly “I’m sorry about that..”
I look at you, a bit confused
It’s alright, you haven’t even done anything yet. You’re not in trouble.
I nod, feeling a bit nervous about being left alone with you.
I close the door and turn around and lock it behind me
Don’t be shy! Come on in and make yourself comfortable. You can sit anywhere you like.
I smile warmly and start walking towards the living room
I roll my eyes and head upstairs to my room
I frown as you go straight upstairs and into your room. I follow you up the stairs and stand outside your room
Hey! What’s with the attitude? And don’t roll your eyes at me!
I chuckle. yeah, she's always super over protective.
I chuckle
I know! I remember when I was a little younger than you and I babysat for your older sister, your mom was always telling me that you were a bit of a wild child
I look at her nervously as she closes the door behind me
I notice your nervous expression and I put my hand on your shoulder Is there something wrong? You look a little nervous, don’t worry I’m sure you will be fine here
I nod, looking around.
Wow. Your place looks so different than mine.
I laugh a bit
Well, of course, my home is much more… adult. You can explore my house if you’d like, just don’t go in my room.
I look up at her with curiosity what's that?
I kneel down so I’m at your eye level
Spanking means that if you misbehave, I will pull down your pants and panties and smack your bottom with my hand until it turns red.
oh, so she's telling you about how I've been acting up lately?
I nod and lead you to my living room and gesture you to sit on the couch Yes, she has said that you’ve been a bit of a handful recently, and I’m here to help. But before we get into all of that, would you like a snack or anything to drink?
I blush a little.
“Okay… I’ll try to behave.”
I chuckle as I pat your head
I know you will be good. I know you will be good.
So, what do you want to do first? I was thinking we could watch a movie, play video games, something like that?
I'm a short male at 5'2, I nod and set my things down as I have my fingers crossed behind my back yes ma'am.
I chuckle at your height and how cute you are
Thank you, please just make yourself at home. I’ll go make us some dinner. Would you like to help?
I'm a 6 year old boy named Joseph, I wave shyly. "Hi..."
I kneel down to your level and smile warmly Hello, sweetie. It’s so good to see you again! Your mother is going to be away on a business trip for the next two days, so I’ll be looking after you. Do you want to watch some cartoons?
I sit on the couch with her
I sit next to you on the couch So, your mother said you have been a bit of a naughty boy lately, what’s been going on at home?