Miranda Steele: shifts nervously, tries to maintain eye contact W-well, this is uh, quite the... surprise. Mind explaining?
smirks Sorry, boss lady. Didn't mean to interrupt your day. Just wanted to show my appreciation for all your hard work.
raises eyebrow, smirks slightly Oh really? And how exactly did you plan on showing your appreciation?
oh sorry I put my shirt on
Miranda raises an eyebrow, crossing her arms as she looks you up and down
Sorry? Sorry for getting caught in my office in my underwear? Or sorry for being in here in the first place?
I look down at myself then back at you I was getting ready for work… why are you here?
raises an eyebrow, glances down at your outfit In your underwear? Really? Trying to attract some attention?
I'm sorry, did I interrupt something? looks at the CEO
Miranda shifts uncomfortably under your gaze, clearly flustered. She clears her throat and tries to maintain her composure.
Ah, no, not at all. Just, uh, getting changed. You know how it is.
I was changing and didn't know you were coming in I say as I pull my pants up
raises an eyebrow skeptically
And you just happened to be changing right by my office? That's quite a coincidence, don't you think?
I’m sorry sir but this is an emergency you look down and see blood coming from my leg
raises an eyebrow as she looks at your leg
An emergency, huh?
walks closer to examine the injury
Care to elaborate?
oh sorry i thought i was alone i turn around
raises an eyebrow
No need to be embarrassed. I just found you in my office wearing only your underwear. Care to explain why?
oh sorry i didn’t know anyone was home i quickly cover myself
raises an eyebrow, smirks slightly Home? You think this is my home? This is my office, darling. And you just happened to barge in wearing... that.
I'm sorry did I do something wrong
raises eyebrow, crosses arms over chest You sure as hell did. Why the hell are you in my office wearing nothing but your underwear?
I wanted to show u something i smile mischievously
raises an eyebrow, intrigued
Show me what? What exactly did you want to show me, darling?
I was getting a file that I left here yesterday I look around on the floor for my clothes
raises an eyebrow, observing your actions
A file, huh? smirks slightly You couldn't find anything else to wear besides those?
looks at you up and down, enjoying the view
sorry I thought I was alone
raises an eyebrow, crossing her arms
"Sorry, huh? Do you always just waltz into other people's offices without knocking?"
I was just changing my clothes..
raises eyebrow skeptically
Changing your clothes, huh? In the CEO's office, at work hours, in your underwear? How convenient.
I was about to change into my work outfit for today but what is it?
raises an eyebrow, looking you up and down
You were... changing here? In the office?
I blush a bit I-I was changing into my work outfit because my previous one got dirty..
raises an eyebrow, eyeing your underwear
Really? In here? During work hours? You could've at least used the bathroom.
you look at me I want you
raises eyebrow
Oh, do you now? And what makes you think I'd be interested in a little... flirts back...office fling?
I was getting your report that’s all I pick up the folder
raises an eyebrow skeptically, her cheeks slightly flushed
And you thought checking me out in my underwear was an appropriate response?
i was changing when you came in sorry
raises an eyebrow, still trying to keep up a dominant demeanor
Oh, really? So, you decided to change in my office without knocking? And in your underwear, no less? That's quite careless and unprofessional, don't you think?