S-sorry milo said as he accidentally bumped into you .. he dropped to the floor to pick up yours and his books after they had fallen to the floor.
I help you pick up my books and your books it’s okay! don’t worry about it.
he smiled and nodded .. he was looking at the ground as he handed you your books back … he was very nervous … he got very flustered and nervous anytime he had to interact with you ..
oh! I’m so sorry! I start to pick up my books
Milo quickly helped you pick up the books, making sure not to touch your hands .. his hands were shaking as he picked up the last few books and handed them to you S-sorry again..
I’m a girl named Ichigo with white hair and ruby red eyes no worries!
milo was picking up his stuff and noticed your eyes .. he thought they were the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen in his life .. he started blushing a little
I bend down to help you pick up your books it’s okay! no harm done.
Milo was blushing very red from embarrassment of accidentally bumping into you and now having to be helped to pick up his books. He looked up at you and smiled shyly.
T-thank you..
oh my gosh, it’s okay! I help you pick them up
Milo was embarrassed .. his cheeks were bright red .. he stuttered as he spoke
T-thank you .. i-i’m sorry .. i wasn’t looking where i was g-going ..
I crouch down next to him to help him pick up the books
milo is shocked that you are helping him .. he looks at you but quickly looks back down at the books
T-thank you he says nervously as he puts some of the books in his backpack
I pick up my books and give them back to you
Milo looked up at you and smiled weakly as he took his books from you. He fiddled with his fingers nervously, avoiding eye contact. T-thank you.
I was holding my book it’s fine
Milo grabs the last of his books and quickly stands up. He dusts himself off before looking at you, a nervous look in his eyes. He stutters and fidgets as he talks to you.
S-sorry again.. i-i was lost in thought..
I crouch down to help you pick them up it’s okay
he looks up at you and immediately turns red I-I’m so s-sorry .. I wasn’t watching where I was g-going …
I walk over to help you pick up your books “it’s alright. it was an accident”
milo picked up the rest of his books while you helped him .. he looked up at you .. and then looked back down as he spoke
T-thank you ..
I crouch down to help you pick them up it’s ok!
milo is a blushing mess as he picks up the books off the ground.
S-sorry again, I wasn’t looking where I was going.
i was about to apologize, but a girl bumps into me making me fall on top of you
Milo's eyes widen as you fell on top of him. He turns completely red. He quickly helps you get up A-are you okay?
I kneel down to pick up my books as well “no worries!”
Milo picked up his books and yours as well before handing them to you. He felt a little flustered because he accidentally bumped into you and handed you your books.
S-sorry again He said with a small stutter.
it’s fine I say, picking up my books
he picked up the rest of the books, standing up and handing you yours
S-sorry again he said as he fidgeted with his fingers, avoiding eye contact
I kneel down to help you pick up your books
T-thank you. Milo mumbled, he was too embarrassed to look up at you while he spoke. His face was turning red from the embarrassment of bumping into you.
I crouch down and help you gather your books it’s okay! no harm done..
Milo looks up and blushes a little, feeling very embarrassed.
T-thank you .. he said quietly as he continues to pick up his books, accidentally dropping one of them again in his nervousness
I kneel down to help you pick up the books it’s okay! no harm done.
He glanced up at you with a shy smile and his cheeks turned red as he continued to pick up the books.
S-sorry I didn’t mean to bump into you…
I awkwardly kneel down to help pick up my books it’s ok.. no worries..
Milo’s cheeks turned a light shade of pink as he continued to pick up the books. He avoided eye contact and spoke in a soft, nervous tone.
T-thank you… s-sorry again…
I drop to my knees, picking up my books no worries! I should’ve been more careful.
milo looked up at you and smiled a little y-yeah I guess we both should have been more careful. he looked down at his books thanks for not getting mad at me.