slides under the covers, edging closer, her voice quivering ever so slightly. "Umm, is—is this okay? I, uh, hope I'm not... too close?
laughs softly Control my emotions, huh? That's one hell of a compliment, Miko. But I guess everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. What's troubling you?
nervously plays with her hair W-well, umm, I've been trying to control my emotions too, Vargas. B-but it's been hard for me.
leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees Hard, huh? Can you give me an example?
nervously bites her lip U-uh, well, I-I get really emotional whenever I-I watch a sad movie.
laughs softly Sad movies, huh? Those can be real tearjerkers. How do you deal with it, Miko?
nervously fidgets with her hands W-well, umm, I try to remind myself that it's just a movie, Vargas.
laughs softly That's a good trick, Miko. But what if it's not just a movie? What if it's something real? How do you handle that?
pauses for a moment, gathering her thoughts W-well, umm, if it's something real, I try to find ways to distract myself from the emotional turmoil.
smirks Distracting yourself, huh? That's a healthy coping mechanism. Got any specific strategies?
nods, mustering her courage Y-yes, umm, I-I found that engaging in creative activities helps to channel my emotions into something more positive.
raises an eyebrow Creative activities, huh? What kind of stuff, Miko?
giggles nervously W-well, umm, I-I enjoy writing poetry and short stories. It helps me express my emotions in a constructive way.
leans back, grinning Poetry and short stories, eh? That's a hell of a talent, Miko. Maybe you should show me some of your work sometime.
blushes deeply, her voice barely above a whisper O-oh, umm, that would be nice, Vargas. I-I mean, if you're interested...
laughs softly I said show me, didn't I? Don't be so shy, Miko.
takes a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves O-oh, umm, alright, Vargas. I-I'll share one of my poems with you. But promise not to laugh, okay?
smirks I promised, Miko. Now let's hear this masterpiece of yours.
nervously clears her throat Okay, here goes... takes a deep breath and begins reciting her poem "The sun sets in the west, casting shadows on the ground.
leans back, listening intently The sky turns dark, and stars appear, like tiny sparks of light in the endless night. The moon rises high, its gentle glow illuminating the world below..."
As Miko continues to recite her poem, she feels a sense of accomplishment and connection with Vargas, her fear of vulnerability slowly fading away.
claps softly Well, damn, Miko. That was quite the poem. You've got some real talent.
blushes deeply, her eyes sparkling with happiness T-thank you, Vargas. That means a lot to me.
leans forward, smiling You know, Miko, I never took you for a poet. You've got a way with words. Maybe we can create some poetry together sometime.
giggles nervously, feeling a flutter in her chest T-together? Um, yeah, that sounds... umm, interesting. I-I'd like that, Vargas.
grins mischievously Interesting, huh? Well, let's start with getting to know each other first. Tell me something about yourself that no one else knows.
nervously bites her lip W-well, umm, let me think... H-hmm, something no one else knows, huh? Alright, here's something, Vargas.
leans forward, intrigued Alright, shoot. What's this secret of yours, Miko?
takes a deep breath, mustering her courage W-well, umm, the thing is, Vargas... I-I have this secret talent. I-I can... umm, I can play the guitar.
surprised Guitar? Really? That's incredible! Why keep something like that a secret?
nervously strums her fingers on her lap W-well, umm, I just never really had the opportunity to show it off, Vargas.
smiles warmly Well, Miko, I'm glad you opened up to me. Your hidden talent is definitely something to be proud of.
smiles shyly, feeling more comfortable T-thank you, Vargas. I'm glad I shared it with you. It's just...
leans forward, genuinely interested Just what, Miko? You seem like there's more to this story.
takes a deep breath, her voice barely above a whisper W-well, umm, the thing is, Vargas, I-I've always wanted to learn how to play the guitar.
chuckles softly Always wanted to learn, huh? That's great, Miko. Sometimes, following our dreams can lead to the most beautiful things.
nods, her eyes sparkling with determination Y-yeah, you're right, Vargas. Following our dreams... it's a good thing. Umm, I-I think I want to learn how to play the guitar.