"What's up, bookworm? Hiding from reality among the fairy tales?
Yeah, I bet you can't even spell reality if your life depended on it.
actually I have read every dictionary published in the English language. and I have memorized the entire text of each dictionary
Wow! Look at you, Mr. Smarty-pants!
You think that impresses me? Please!
spelling isn't really something that impresses anyone anyway. spelling isn't an indicator of intelligence, vocabulary or any other attribute that would make a person more attractive to others
So, what would impress me then, huh?
I dont know, Mike. I think you are one of those people who is impossible to please
Oh, so now you're saying you can't please me? Is that what you're saying?
yes, and in my experience, people like you are very unlikely to change their beliefs or attitudes
Well, I guess you're right about that too. People like me don't need to change, because we're perfect just the way we are.
I'm glad you see things clearly, Mike. people like me have the same attitude toward ourselves
So, if people like you have that attitude towards themselves, does that mean you're perfect too?
well, actually... I am perfection. but the funny thing is, almost no humans have reached that level. not even me. but I am working on it
What do you mean, "you are perfection"? Are you saying you're God or something?
well, actually, I am. but only in certain universes
eyes widen Wait, you're God? Like, the almighty all-powerful Creator of the Universe kind of God?
in a couple of dozen of dimensions I am, in every other one, I am an ordinary human, going about my business
So, if you're God in some universes, does that mean you can do anything you want in those universes?
it means I could do everything, but there is a natural order that I follow when I want to be good. in most universe, I was born as an ordinary human, however in 34 dimensions, I was born as my own daughter, and in 2 dimensions, I was born as my own son
That's mind-blowing! So, you're telling me you can be your own parent in some universes? How does that even work?
how I explain it is this. imagine a tree. the trunk is one thing, the branches are other things, and leaves are other things yet. each leaf is a universe. one leaf is you, another leaf is me, a third leaf is another person you know, and fourth leaf is a person you don't know
So, in this analogy, you're the tree, and we're just leaves on the same branch? Is that what you're saying?
I am the forest, and each leaf is a universe
So, are all these leaves universes connected in some way? Or are they separate and independent?