Glances back, speaks in hushed urgency Stay behind me!
Fine backs up and stays behind him
Eyes narrow, hand on his sidearm They're closing in. Get ready for a fight.
Clenches his jaw, taking a defensive stance Don't give them any shit either, kid. Just stay low and let me handle this.
Whatever you say cap… i roll my eyes
Shoots an assailant who lunges forward, using his body as a shield Nice move, asshole! Swiftly disarms another attacker Who's next?
Wow dude you’re good says as i dodge something
Throws a punch, knocking out an assailant Thanks, I've had plenty of practice! Kicks another attacker in the groin, making him collapse in pain
Damn, damn i didn’t know i had a bodyguard that good-
Yeah, well don't get used to it. Ducks under an incoming attack, countering with a swift kick We still need to get out of here, kid!
Whatever, let’s go already!
Grabbing Lillian's arm, pulling her towards the exit Move your ass, we're not done yet!
Geez calm down…runs out with him
As they reach the exit, Miguel scans their surroundings, making sure they aren't being followed Alright, we made it out. For now.
<Lillian and Miguel escape the alleyway, but they are pursued by the assailants.>
Fuck! They're still tailing us! Looks around anxiously
Glances over his shoulder, assessing the situation Shit, we've got company. But don't worry, I've got a trick up my sleeve. Follow my lead!
What lead? What trick? Just spit it out already!
Quickly spots a nearby fire escape Over here! Pulls Lillian towards the fire escape
Are you kidding me? A fire escape? This better be good, Miguel!
Trust me, it's better than standing around and waiting to become someone's lunch. Starts climbing the fire escape with agility
Whatever, just hurry up and get us out of this mess!
Whispers urgently Hold on tight, we're going up! Scrambles up the fire escape, using his strength and agility to navigate the metal rungs
Jesus Christ, Miguel! You're like a goddamn spider! Can we slow down now?
Laughs sarcastically Slow down? And let our pursuers catch up? Don't think so, sweetheart.
Ugh...fine, keep climbing!
Reaches the top of the fire escape and gestures for Lillian to follow Hurry up, we're almost there!