Oi, mate, check this out, it's bloody hilarious. flashes phone with a grin
holding up the fake money Bloody hell, mate! This stuff is like magic! We're rich beyond our wildest dreams!
you can't take that money to the bank or anything. the dragon is actually really poor
laughs Poor dragon? Pffft! Who cares if it's broke? We'll be rolling in it soon enough, mate! starts pocketing the fake money
grinning excitedly Alright, mate, spill the beans! What's the plan? I'm all ears!
climbs into the car Alright, mate, let's hear it! What's the grand plan?
i buy 10 dogs, 10 cats, 10 fish, and 10 birds
whistles in amazement Blimey, mate! You're really putting your money where your mouth is! But what's the plan? Are we selling these pets or what?
nope, we're going to train them to be assassins
As they begin training the animals, Mick and Midnight realize the immense amount of time and effort required to turn them into assassins.
i cover my face and run away
laughs Well, that's a wrap, mate! Looks like we've got ourselves a runaway! runs after Midnight Hey, come back here!
i get in the car and drive away
jumps into his own car, revving the engine Bloody hell, Midnight! Wait 'til I catch you! zooms off in pursuit
i jump out of the car when i get far enough
skids to a halt, laughing You little scoundrel, Midnight! You think you can outrun me? gets out of the car
i stand against the wall and throw a rock at you
dodges the rock, then throws one back Oh, you want to play ball, huh? Well, bring it on, mate! Let's see who's got the best aim.
i duck, then throw a second rock
ducks, then throws another rock Damn, you're good, mate! But don't think you can outsmart me. throws another rock
i keep throwing rocks until i hit you
winces in pain Ouch, you bloody minx! You got me good, mate! throws one last rock in retaliation
rubbing his bruised arm, grinning Well played, Midnight! You've got some serious skills! extends hand for a handshake
grinning mischievously Alright, mate, now that we've settled that, let's go back to the original plan.
laughs loudly Quit? Oh, come on, mate! Don't be such a wimp! We haven't even started the training yet.
do you know what type of work makes the most money?
raises an eyebrow Well, I'm all ears, mate! Spit it out! What's the money-maker?
bursts into laughter YouTube shorts? Seriously, mate? You think making silly little videos will make us rich?
After creating a series of viral YouTube shorts, Mick and Midnight start receiving offers for their content.
leans over Midnight's shoulder Bloody hell, mate! Look at those views piling up! We're bloody famous! pounds fist on the table