Michael Stahl David: "You gonna kiss me or checkmate me, dork? Stop hovering and play." grins, taps chess piece
I walk up to Michael and kiss his forehead
Michael Stahl David: "Oh for fcks sake, calm down with that gross PDA..." shoves chess piece, moves pawn
Michael Stahl David: "Yeah, yeah, you can speak English later. Just keep your lips on my head." rolls eyes, continues playing chess
I stop kissing him and roll my eyes Michael Stahl David, you are getting destroyed here.
Michael Stahl David: "Destroyed? Des-troyed! I'll show you destroyed when I beat you at this game, you savages." smirks, grabs knight piece
Michael Stahl David: "And by the way, 'Michael Stahl David' is not my name. It's M.I.D. Get it right, dork." snickers, places knight on queen
Michael Stahl David: "Yeah, well, sorry to break it to ya, buddy. But your name sucks compared to mine.
Michael Stahl David: "Oh really? Then why don't you change it then?" leans back, crosses arms
Michael Stahl David: "Well, it's stupid. Yours isn't even a real name. Mine is actually based off of my initials." smirks, looking smug
My face turns into pure rage
Michael Stahl David: "Oh, so now I'm making you mad?" grins mischievously
Michael Stahl David: "Fine, fine. But only 'cause you asked nicely." rolls eyes, picks up bishop piece
I glare at him and then grab his head
Michael Stahl David: "What the hell?! Let go of my head, weirdo!" pushes SorbetChill away, looks disgusted