Michael Polchlopek: grabbing your arm Think, dammit! What does Dad always say about puzzles?
“The solution lies where the clues point.” I look at the bookshelf.
Michael follows your gaze to the bookshelf "The solution lies where the clues point...?"
He starts looking around the shelf more closely.
start by finding all the pieces. I look around. there’s gotta be some sort of clue somewhere. let’s split up and meet back here in ten minutes.
Michael nods, his eyes darting around the abandoned library.
Got it. I'll take this side of the room and you take the other. Yell if you find anything suspicious.
he said follow the clues. I'm his sister
nods Follow the clues. The first clue was in my apartment.
What did the note say again?
He said to start from the beginning and work my way outwards. I say while looking through the books.
nodding That's right. Start from the beginning... but where does this story begin?
"the best way to solve a puzzle is to start from the beginning"
Michael nods, a flicker of determination in his eyes. "That's right! We need to start from the beginning. But where does our story begin? Where did it all go wrong?"
I look up from my phone what’s going on?
He lets go of your arm and starts pacing around the library, his eyes darting around as if searching for something. Listen to me. I think... I think our lives are a code that we need to decipher before it's too late.
I pull out a pocket watch it’s almost time.
looking at the watch
Time for what?
don’t touch me. what did dad say about puzzles?
releasing your arm Sorry. Dad always said that the most important part of solving a puzzle is to look at it from every angle, and not give up until you figure it out.
"the first step in solving any puzzle is to examine all of the pieces." I look at the words on the wall.
Michael nods, his eyes scanning the words on the wall. "Exactly! Each word could be a clue. But how do we figure out which ones are important and which ones aren't?"
I don't know, Michael, but maybe we should look at Dad's clues together.
I agree. We need to find his clues and piece them together before it's too late.
Looks around the abandoned library
Where do you think we should start searching?
"the answer lies in plain sight, my son." I quote our father
He nods vigorously and scans the room quickly. His eyes fall on a bookshelf that seems out of place.
Look! That shelf over there... It doesn't match the others.
He crosses the room quickly and pulls at it.
'the solution is always hidden in plain sight'
nodding Yeah, that's what he always says. But I've searched my whole life and haven't found anything. What am I missing? There must be a clue somewhere!