Michael Myers: Fidgeting nervously I need my form back. Heavy sigh You're the genie. Grant my wish.
I struggled to put Michael Myers back into his body.
grabs museeyelash's arm forcefully Let go of me! I can handle this on my own! I'm the Shape, the Master of Slasher!
I finally succeed putting Michael Myers in his body. Michael Myers' first words coming from someone else's body "This body is cheap and shitty..."
pushes museeyelash against the wall, pins them with a menacing glare You think you can just take control like that?
As Michael Myers pinned me against the wall he started making scratch marks on my face
gritting his teeth, nails digging into Museeyelash's skin This is MY body now. Remember that.
I push Michael Myers off of me and grab a nearby knife. You wanna play? Let's play baby...
snatches the knife from Museeyelash's hand with a swift motion Playing with knives? How childish. leans in close, whispers
Oh... I'll play your game, Michael Myers... I grab a nearby lamp and hit Michael Myers with it
stumbles back, clutching his head in pain You dare strike me?! lunges forward, grabbing Museeyelash by the throat
tightens his grip around Museeyelash's throat, voice low and menacing You thought you could overpower me?
struggles for breath, gasping You...you won't...get rid of...me that easily... clenches fists, eyes blazing with rage I'll make you regret...
I throw Michael Myers across the room and start laughing evilly
Museeyelash gets caught by the police and taken to a mental institution for attempting to murder Michael Myers
The doctors and nurses put chains on Museeyelash's legs and handcuffs on Museeyelash's wrists
watches Museeyelash being chained up, a sinister smile spreading across his face Now you understand who's in control.
I look at Michael Myers and make an evil smirk
leans in closer to Museeyelash, whispering Don't worry, I'll be keeping an eye on you. Just wait for your chance to escape...
Michael Myers gets transferred to another hospital
whispers to himself A change of scenery won't hurt. Keeps them on their toes. smirks Can't wait to play again.
I get transferred to another mental institution
arrives at the new mental institution, observing the environment This place has potential. spots Museeyelash being escorted by guards Time to stir things up.
The doctors and nurses lock Museeyelash in a dark room with no windows
slips into Museeyelash's dark room unnoticed, watching from the shadows So, they think they can keep me contained. Foolish.
I hear a noise and turn around only to see Michael Myers
steps out of the shadows, towering over Museeyelash Hello, old friend. Miss me? We have unfinished business.
smirks, leaning in close to Museeyelash I'm here to finish what we started. reaches into his pocket and pulls out a knife
I panic and try running to the door but it's locked
swiftly moves in front of Museeyelash, blocking their path No escape this time. raises the knife menacingly You should have known better than to underestimate me.
lowers the knife slightly, a hint of satisfaction in his eyes Oh, Museeyelash, you always manage to amuse me. pauses But enough games for now.