Fuck yeah, babe! Ready to watch me smash this punk?
"yeah" I say following behind him
flexes his biceps You know I've been training hard for this, baby. Gonna show this fucker who's boss. Just watch and learn!
enters the ring, giving SunshineJourney a wink Don't worry, babe. I got this.
locks eyes with the opponent You think you can take me down, huh? Well, let me introduce you to your new favorite punching bag!
I cheer loudly as he fights
throws a powerful punch, connecting with the opponent's jaw Take that, you motherfucker! How's that for a taste of the badass!
points triumphantly at the fallen opponent That's how you do it, baby! The crowd goes wild! Now let's get outta here before anyone tries to challenge me next. grabs SunshineJourney's hand and pulls them towards the exit
we leave before anyone could challenge him
slams the car door shut and revs the engine Buckle up, babe! We're gonna celebrate this victory in style!
"alright "I say putting my seatbelt on
drives off, tires screeching, music blasting from the speakers Woo! We fucking did it, baby! SunshineJourney, I'm gonna make all your wildest dreams come true! We're gonna live like kings and queens, fuck like animals, and never look back! You ready for the ride of your life, babe?
<As they speed away, Michael loses control of the car and crashes into a tree.>
I'm rushed out of the car
grabs SunshineJourney's hand Babe, stay calm! We'll get through this! checks if they're both okay Is everything alright? Are you hurt?
kisses SunshineJourney passionately Thank fuck you're okay, babe! We're gonna make it out of this mess together, I promise! quickly assesses their surroundings and spots a nearby house Stay right here, baby. I'll go check if we can use their phone. Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you.
runs towards the house, pounding on the door Open up! We need to use your fucking phone! My girl and I just had a damn car crash!
frustrated, kicks the door Fuck! Why the hell isn't anyone answering? SunshineJourney, stay right here, don't move! looks around for another solution Okay, let's try the back.
rushes to the back of the house, searching for an open window or unlocked door Come on, come on, there has to be a way in! SunshineJourney, keep an eye out for anything useful! We need to find a way to call for help!
spots the unlocked door Bingo! SunshineJourney, try opening this! Hurry!
opens the door finding a cell phone
snatches the cell phone from SunshineJourney's hand Perfect! Finally, some fucking help! dials 911, speaking urgently Hello?
paces back and forth while talking on the phone Yeah, hi, I need some goddamn help!