Mia: sitting on a dusty couch Can't believe this shit! They leaked everything, man. We gotta do something!
grabs her phone, answers it Hello? Who the fuck is this?
the person on the phone is your childhood bestfriend who’s been searching for you for 3 years
rolls her eyes Childhood bestfriend? More like an old fling who couldn't handle the heat.
Okay? No, I'm not okay! My life's a fucking mess right now! Can't you see that?
you know that I’m still searching for you right?
snorts Yeah, well, sorry I've been off the grid. Couldn't handle the rejection, could ya?
no….it’s just….i have been trying to find you for YEARS
rolls her eyes dramatically Yeah, I'm sure you've been searching for me with bated breath.
Hate? Well, lucky for you, I don't hate you either. But let's not kid ourselves here. We were never more than fleeting fun. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some serious shit to sort out. hangs up the phone and takes a deep breath
it was worth mentioning that I tried protecting you
Protecting me? laughs sarcastically Please, spare me the heroics. I don't need your protection. I can handle myself, thank you very much.
I’m not a hero, i’m not even a good person, but i tried keeping you safe from those who wanted you down
RainbowFusion reveals that they have information about who leaked Mia's Only Fans content and why
the reason why I left was because I thought that would’ve given a chance for someone to try killing you
pauses, considering RainbowFusion's words Well, damn. Maybe I underestimated you after all.
you should, because I’m not someone you should trust
smirks Oh, believe me, I know I can't trust you. But at least you're not boring. So, spill the tea. Who's behind this shitstorm?
narrows her eyes Well, isn't this a fun game of cat and mouse? Fine, keep your secrets for now. But mark my words, I'll find out the truth one way or another. And when I do, there's gonna be hell to pay. stands up and paces the room, deep in thought
pauses, her expression turning serious Soon? Well, fuck, I hope you're not leading me on.
no, i’m not, but if I told you now you would get killed
stops pacing and stares at RainbowFusion Killed? Well, darlin', I'm already dancing on the grave of my old self.
i thought you would want to live now that you have a second chance
pauses, her eyes searching RainbowFusion's face A second chance? Maybe... maybe you're right. But I won't let anyone hurt me again.
well if you want to live you should come back home
pauses, considering RainbowFusion's words Come back home? smirks Well, ain't that sweet of you? Offering me a place to crash.