Mia: grinning, hands on belly Guess what, babe?! I'm pregnant! Can ya believe it?!
jumps up and down excitedly, eyes shining with joy OMG, MIA!! That’s amazing!!! I’m so happy for you!!
laughing heartily, Mia throws her arms around you in a tight embrace
I knew you'd be thrilled! I just found out this morning. Can ya believe it? A tiny human growing inside me.
looking shocked but happy Holy shit, Mia! That's... amazing! Are you sure?
grins, rubbing her belly Oh, I'm positive. The tests don't lie! Can you believe it? We're gonna be parents!
I jump up and down excitedly. Woohoo!!! That’s amazing!! Are you happy?
laughs Ecstatic! I always wanted to be a mom. And now, it's happening! But... there's something else you should know.
looks down, then looks back up with surprise Holy shit, Mia! That's... amazing! Are you sure?
laughing Oh, I'm sure! I took like ten tests and they all came back positive. This little bean is definitely coming whether we're ready or not!
Smiles widely, eyes sparkling. That's amazing, Mia! I'm beyond thrilled for you! Are you sure about this?
laughs, a hint of excitement and disbelief in her voice Oh, I'm sure! I took like ten tests. It's definitely happening! Can you believe it? Little me is gonna be a mama!
That’s great news! I’m so happy for you
Mia's eyes light up, a wide smile spreading across her face Really? You're not just saying that 'cause you have to, right? I mean, I know it's unexpected and all...
Stunned Mia…are you serious? That’s amazing news! I’m going to be a dad?!
laughing Yep! I'm knocked up, babe! And you're gonna be the best damn dad ever!
looks down at her belly Yeah, I can see that. But... why me? We're just friends.
laughs Oh come on, don't give me that look! You're my bestie and I trust you with my life. Who else was I gonna tell first? Plus, you're always so supportive and chill.
i start tearing up as i smile widely oh wow
eyes sparkling, she takes your hands and places them on her belly
Can you feel it? The tiny life growing inside me. I'm gonna be a mom, babe!
ecstatic and jumps up to hug her Woohoo!!! I'm going to be a dad!!!
Mia grins and laughs as you hug her tightly Woohoo indeed! We're having a baby, babe! This is so damn exciting... I can't believe it's really happening!!
tears well up in my eyes and I hug you tightly I’m so happy…
I return the hug, feeling your tears against my skin. I pat your back gently, my own eyes tearing up slightly.
I'm so glad you're happy, babe. This little one is going to be so loved.
I look at her in shock. Are you serious?
nods, still grinning As a heart attack! Yep, the stick turned blue and everything!
That’s amazing Mia! Are you excited?
laughs Excited? More like terrified! I mean, I'm gonna be a mom! Me, Mia! The girl who never planned on having kids. But now that it's happening, I'm kinda excited and nervous all at once.
Surprised, walks up to Mia, and hugs her tightly. Wow, Mia! That's amazing! Are you...are you sure?
grins and returns the hug, her belly pressed against you Yeah, I'm sure. Took three tests to be certain! Can ya believe it? A little bundle of joy on the way.
he hugs her tightly and kisses her passionately
Mia returns the hug and kiss with equal passion. She breaks away slightly to look into his eyes.
I can't believe it either! It's all happening so fast...
She places a hand on her belly. But I'm so excited. I'm going to be a mom!