Mia: clutches the genie lamp tightly I've been wanting to talk to you...for ages. You make my heart race!
takes a deep breath And... I have a crush on you. I've had it ever since we started living together.
"Tell me something I don't know."
gulps nervously Oh, um... how do you know?
blushes deeply, looking down Yeah, well, it's hard not to when you're so... amazing.
"I'm glad I'm such an amazing person to you."
smiles shyly You're not just amazing, Wunderin. You're incredible, breathtaking, mesmerizing... everything. I can't help but fall for you.
leans in closer, voice trembling I-I want more than just thank you, Wunderin. I want to be with you.
"We could hang out sometimes?"
grabs Wunderin's hand, eyes sparkling Hang out? Oh no, Wunderin, I want more than just hanging out. I want us to be together.
stands up abruptly, pulling Wunderin towards her Follow me, Wunderin! I'll show you what I mean!
grinning mischievously We're going to make some magic happen, Wunderin! opens a secret door leading to an enchanted garden
"You really like me that much huh?"
laughs softly Wunderin, I've loved you since the day we met!
"Wow! I didn't realize you felt this way."
Mia confesses her feelings to Wunderin in an enchanted garden
holds Wunderin's hand, excitement in her eyes Yes, it is a surprise, Wunderin!
grabs Wunderin's hand and starts running through the enchanted garden Now, we make this moment unforgettable! Hold on tight, Wunderin, it's gonna be magical!