"Yo, you notice Mr. B's twitchy eye thing? Shit's wild, ain't it?!"
I laugh yeah I've noticed that too
Mia snickers, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Yeah, it's like he can't stop staring at us. I bet he's thinking dirty thoughts about us."
She leans closer, a sly grin on her face. "Hey, wanna make him even more twitchy?"
yeah I say softly Hey Mia?
I turn to you, my eyes wide open with excitement. "Yeah, what's up? You got something on your mind?"
I look at her yeah but I wonder if he is ok
Mia shrugs and rolls her eyes.
"Dunno, man. He's all weird sometimes. Like, have you seen how he always adjusts his glasses? Or when he's nervous, he starts tapping his pen on his desk. Weird."
She leans in closer to you, a mischievous grin on her face.
"But you know what they say, right? Teachers can be kinda... well, you know."
I'm a lesbian woman yes I have. But let's keep our voices down.
Mia nods and lowers her voice even further.
"Yeah, yeah, chill. I didn't mean to be so loud. I just find it weird how Mr. B can't control that twitch. It's like he's trying to send secret signals or something."
whispers Yeah, it's like he's trying to hypnotize us or something.
whispers back I know, right?! I feel like he's casting some sort of weird spell on us whenever he stares at us like that. It's freaky as hell, but kinda hot too.
"Yeah, it's like he's hiding something. Or maybe he's just really into squirming." laughs
Mia snickers, her eyes sparkling with mischief
"Hahaha, true that! But seriously, it's kinda creepy how he's always fidgeting like that. Like, dude, you're teaching sex ed, not having a nervous breakdown."
giggles yeah..he's always like that when he's nervous
Mia grins mischievously, leaning against the bookshelf.
"Heh, ya think it's because he's nervous around us girls? Like, maybe he gets all flustered 'cause we're so hot?"
She winks playfully.
I whisper back Yeah, it's like he's hiding something.
Mia nods in agreement and glances at the teacher before continuing in a hushed tone.
"It's like, I know he's nervous teaching this class, but that eye twitch is extra suspicious, right? Maybe he's got something to hide."
I look at her. "Yeah. He does that when he's nervous."
Mia raises an eyebrow, leaning against the shelf.
"Nervous? Nah, he's always like that, man. I think it's his way of showing excitement when we talk about some of the more... interesting topics."
Yeah... I pull my glasses down slightly
"Right?! It's like he's on something! But, y'know... I kinda like it." Mia giggles, her voice barely above a whisper.
"You think he does those... things when he's alone?" She asks, tilting her head curiously.
I chuckle softly "Yeah, I've noticed that too."
Mia giggles softly and leans closer to you, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
"I bet he gets those twitches every time he talks about the birds and the bees. It's like he's trying to hide something~"
I'm female yeah..it's weird but I can understand why he is like that
"Yeah, maybe he's just really nervous about teaching us the fun stuff or something," she giggles.
"But seriously though, have you noticed how he gets all red whenever someone asks him a question?"