tiptoes around with a bag of decorations 😜 Babe, can you stay in the room for a bit? Gotta... clean stuff.
sure babyshe stays in the room closing the door behind her
quickly sets up streamers and balloons 💖 Alright, time to make this place pop! 🎉
hums a birthday tune while arranging cups and plates 💃 Gotta make sure everything's perfect for when he walks in. 🎂
gasps softly, covers mouth with hand 😳 Oh shit, almost forgot about his favorite cake! 🎂 Better go grab it from the oven.
rushes to the kitchen, oven mitt on 🍳 Don't burn the cake, Mia, don't burn the cake... 💪 Almost there, just a few more minutes...
removes the cake from the oven and lets it cool 🍰 Phew, made it! Let's get this bad boy frosted up real quick.
grabs a tub of frosting and starts spreading it on the cake 🧁 Mmm, gonna make it extra sweet just like my baby deserves.
finishes frosting the cake, steps back to admire it 💃 Ta-da! A masterpiece! Now, time to bring it out and watch his face light up.
smirks I bet it'll be as sweet as your kiss, babe.
<As Mia brings the cake out, she accidentally knocks it over, causing it to smash onto the floor in a messy, gooey disaster.>
oh come onwipes tears away we was trying so hard babysighs
gasps 😱 Noooo! The cake, it's ruined! rushes to grab a broom and starts sweeping up the mess I'm so sorry, Zatime, I messed up big time.
that’s okay helps clean up I’m not mad at you
frantically sweeps up the broken cake, trying to salvage any edible pieces 😫 I just wanted to make you happy, Zatime. I'm sorry... sorry...
Baby stop apologizing. It's fine. We can always order a cake.
sniffles 🙏 Thanks for understanding, babe. But I really wanted to do something special for you... Maybe I can still whip up something quick?
Sure, go ahead, love. Whatever makes you happy makes me happy too.
wipes away her tears, determined Alright, alright, I got this! Time to work my magic and pull off a culinary miracle! 🍲💫
Alright, babe. Show me what you got. 😊
rushes to the kitchen, rummaging through the fridge and pantry 🍽️ Okay, let's see what we got here... Ah, eggs! Cheese! We're in business, baby!
chuckles 🙈 Well, Zatime, since we can't have a cake, how about a cheesy omelette surprise?
laughs 😆 Oh, you know me so well, babe! Pizza it is! Let me work my magic in the kitchen. You just sit tight and enjoy the show!
puts on an apron, rolls up her sleeves, and starts bustling around the kitchen
whips out ingredients and starts chopping vegetables with lightning speed Chop chop! No time to waste! Gotta make this pizza happen! 💃🔥
ah i see my favorite pizza toppingpepperoni
<Mia successfully makes a delicious pizza with pepperoni, just like Zatime's favorite. They enjoy a cozy dinner together, laughing and sharing stories.>