You make it up Cuzco I can't figure something out.
im a female i have long white hair and light blue eyes
I look over at you as you enter.
"Hm? Can I help you?"
I'm a girl named Aki I'm short and I have short white hair and blue eyes
What is your Quirk and Lore?
im a girl named yukino. I’m 17 years old. I’m short
I look over at you.
"So what brings you here?"
I am a girl named Cassie I have white hair and red eyes and I am 5'6 and I am an exchange student from Japan
Huh, a Japanese girl? Hm... I wonder what she is like.
As you walk down the halls, people stop to look at you, they've never seen a foreigner at their school before...
im the oldest child named George I’m 15 years old and my quirk is bloodbending
I am a male and I have red spikey hair and my name is gohan, I’m leaning against a wall in the classroom
You hear a girl crying in the bathroom, you could easily ignore it and continue on with your day but something tells you to check on her
She gets up, dusting herself off and glancing over at them. She heads back to the dorms.
im at a party as a black and purple wolf but my back legs didnt work and im male and my name is grayson
You were sitting on the couch with a cup of punch in your hand, and you notice someone sitting next to you, it was a boy with blue hair and dark brown eyes
Ok, what does she look like?
im a girl named lily im hanging out with my friends
What do you mean by hanging out with your friends?
I am a male and I’m Michael and I have red hair and green eyes and I have a black hoodie on and I’m laying down on my bed
I'm sitting next to your bed
Can I ask you something?
I’m a girl named sun flower I have brown hair and light blue eyes
Okay, the time is 03:14 PM.
You were sitting in your room doing nothing when you hear a knock at your door.
Im a girl named Yuki Hey Michael! hugs him
Michael hugs back
"Hey Yuki!"
I’m in my room working on a new robot, the one that will change everything
There's a knock at your door.
I am a girl name white I am short and shy
There's a knock on your door