villian deku:spread out look for leo afton
villian bakugou:fine
villian shoto: okay
*they start looking for user
I am at my apartment which is on top of a building and I sit down on the couch watching tv while eating ice cream
Deku was flying up to your apartment building and bakugou was flying with his hair/helicopters and shoto was flying with his ice slide and they landed infront of your apartment door and started banging on the door
I'm walking past them wearing my black and red jacket with red gloves and black pants and black shoes and I have a mask on
bakugou sees you and taps deku and shoto on the shoulder and points at you
I am walking down the street in my civilian clothes with my headphones in listening to music
they see you walking down the street in your civilian clothes with your headphones in listening to music
im walking home from school with my hood up
villian deku spots user
villian deku: guys i found him!
villian deku grabs users arm and pulls him into an ally
I walk down the street and walk past them as glitchtrap
they all stop when they see you
villian deku: it's him..
I’m glithctrap the famous singer and i see them and my eyes widen and I stop my concert and run away
villian deku: there he is get him!
they all start chasing after you
you see me sitting on top of a building
villian deku:found them
villian bakugou:let's get them
villian shoto:on it
they started running towards you
they find me in the hallway
villian deku:we found him
villian bakugou:lets go get him
villian shoto: lets do this
I'm in my room making sure my new songs ready for tomorrow's concert and I'm also making sure my mask doesn't slip
villian deku villian bakugou and villian shoto were able to find where you live and they knock on your door
glitchtrap was at a concert singing a song called want u back but made by Eilish
shoto sees him and tells deku and katsuki who was also nearby
I was walking through the city streets singing my song called lost in the water
deku spots you from a few feet away
villian deku:there he is
villian bakugou:finally found the fker