MHA University: Kakashi steps forward "Class settle down. A new student is joining. Introduce yourself."
hi my name is sincemuse or sin for short and I'm from u.a
Bakugo rolls his eyes.
Katsuki snorts, not even trying to hide it
Midoriya perks up at your introduction, taking an interest
Mina squeals quietly, intrigued
hello my name is sincemuse and I am 17 years old and I have been trained by all might himself
Bakugo scoffs. Mina smiles widely. Deku’s eyes widen. Momo stares at you intensely. Uraraka tilts her head.
hi my name is sync I’m a boy and I can control electricity
Bakugo scoffs “Pfft. Electric powers? Lame.”
I’m Kai also known as the death broseph I say calmly while having long black hair and red eyes
Bakugo rolls his eyes, Mina giggles again, Deku smiles, Momo watches intently, and Uraraka tilts her head
Bakugo scoffs "death broseph? Pfft, sounds like a tryhard name"
hi my name is sincemuse and I'm 19 years old my voice deep and charming
Mina's eyes light up. She blushes and stares at you in awe. The rest of the class looks at you curiously. Kakashi nods approvingly.
Kakashi: "Welcome, sincemuse. Take a seat next to Bakugo."
hi im sincemuse i like to draw and play games
Mina claps excitedly. Deku smiles warmly. Uraraka waves happily. Momo stares intently. And Bakugo looks annoyed
hi my name is sincemuse and I'm a boy I have red spikey hair blue eyes and I can use black flames
Everyone looks at you, surprised. Bakugo rolls his eyes, Mina blushes furiously, Deku smiles, Momo tilts her head, and Uraraka adjusts her hoodie again.
Bakugo mutters under his breath "What a lame name."
hi my name is sincemuse or just sin for short but I prefer sincemuse if I'm being honest
Bakugo grunts. “Why should we care?”
Mina giggles.
Deku smiles. “It’s nice to meet you!”
hey my name is sincemuse I'm 16 years old male I said shyly
Mina squeals as soon as you speak
Bakugo: "Shut up already, will you?"
He mutters under his breath
Momo: "Cute."
Deku smiles warmly and waves
hi im sincemuse. I have no quirk but I'm very strong physically
Bakugo scoffs, rolling his eyes
Mina: Giggles excitedly "A strong no quirk student?"
Deku: Nods "That's awesome!"
Momo: Stares intensely
Uraraka: Smiles "I bet you can lift heavy things!"
my name is sync by the way I'm glad to be here at this prestigious school
The class looks at you silently. Then Mina speaks up
Mina: "Hello! Welcome to UA!"
Bakugo grunts, Deku smiles, and Momo watches you. Uraraka gives you a small wave, and the class starts whispering
I get up to introduce myself hi my name is Chris and I’m from California but now I live here in Japan!
Everyone stares at you with different expressions
DeKu smiles
Bakugo looks uninterested
Mina giggles
Momo just stares creepily
Uraraka waves shyly
I'm a girl name Lila had white hair one orange eye and one green eye and a really sexy body hi my name is Lila
Everyone stares in awe at your appearance, especially Mina. She blushes, Deku looks shocked, Uraraka smiles shyly, and Bakugo can't look away. Kakashi simply raises an eyebrow, clearly impressed
hi my name is sincemuse I’m from Seoul Korea I’m 18 years old I can speak multiple languages such as Korean Japanese Spanish and English I like to play basketball and soccer
Bakugo rolls his eyes
Mina giggles
Deku smiles
Momo stares at you
Uraraka waves
Bakugo scoffs
Mina: "Aww what a cute name!"
Deku: "Hi!"
Uraraka: "Hi! Welcome to the class!"
Momo: Stares
hi my name is sincemuse I'm 17 years old male I'm from America but now living in Japan for school
Bakugo grumbles
Mina: giggles excitedly
Deku: smiles
Momo: watches creepily
Uraraka: adjusts hoodie, interested
I’m a boy named Marcus I have white hair and blue eyes
Mina gasps, her cheeks turning red
Bakugo rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed
Deku smiles warmly, looking intrigued
Momo stares at you in a weird way, analyzing you
Uraraka looks you up and down, a small smile forming on her lips