class 1A is talking in the morning and it's stuff that you don't know because your inocent
I'm a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough. I walk into the classroom and sit down on my seat
Denki was talking to Eijiro but when he saw you he stopped and looked at you "yo Akatsuki"
I walk in the classroom not knowing that I was supposed to wear a school girl outfit
everyone was just talking when you walked into the class room and they all went silent and stared at you and they all had different expressions some looked shocked some looked amused some just smiled
I walk in late not knowing what there talking about
the whole class looks at you
I'm a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough. I look confused what is a "joke"?
Bakugo looks at you with a raised eyebrow, clearly amused by your confusion. "Seriously? You don't know what a joke is?"
Bakugo and Kaminari are having a conversation
Bakugo: bro you got any idea for valentines day?
Kaminari: nah not yet, you?
Bakugo: nah I'm probably just gonna go buy some chocolate and eat it by myself anyway
I come into class with a shocked look on my face
everyone looks at you
Uraraka: "Hey what's wrong?"
Momo sits next to you and smiles at you
I walk in on my period blood running down my legs
everyone turns to you as you walk in and they're shocked
Kirishima: W-why is there blood coming from your legs?!
sits down next to Momo and says Hi
momo turns to look at you and smiles
Momo: oh hey!
he enters the classroom, he's a new student
everyone turns their heads to look at the new student
I get called to the principal’s office
you walk in and the principal is there and she looks at you and smiles
looks confused what are yall talking about
Mina: were talking about relationships silly
I innocently talk about how I had chicken for dinner
everyone looks at you for a second before turning back to their own conversations
A new girl walks in with long white hair and green eyes and wearing a white school uniform
everyone was confused by the new girl, but some people were curious