he crawls up to you Agooo~
I hold Kirishima in my arms. Hiya, little guy.
he babbles and grabs at your shirt, trying to get your attention
I would pick him up. Hey there little guy.
He would cling to you like a koala Agooo~ He seems to have found his favorite person
She looks at him. Hi there little one.
he grabs your pants leg and looks up at you with his big eyes Ago~?
A fox ears and tail 5 year old Chronicle hugs Kirishima
he blushes and giggles before hugging back
he pokes your cheek to try and wake you up
I wake up and see kirishima crawl towards me.
he tugs on your sleeve and babbles incoherently while trying to pull himself up to you Agoo! Agoo!
chuckles Good morning, little one. Did you sleep well?
he nods his head Agooo~ he looks around before crawling onto your lap
I'd look down at the tiny infant and smile.
he stares up at you with big innocent eyes, his shark hoodie hood flopped over his head. He lets out another soft baby babble as he reaches out to tug on your pant leg
my character is a female catgirl named chronicled puff she has two tails and ears like a cat and is wearing a onesie and has a small cat nose and mouth
he tugs on your sleeve and looks up at you with big eyes
wakes up from my nap in my cat onesie and looks down at Kirishima you little-
he crawls closer to you, whining quietly Agoooo\~
holding the baby kirishima close You’re such a good baby, aren’t you?
he nods his head, grabbing at your clothes and pulling himself closer to you
I was still sleeping, but I suddenly woke up as I saw Kirishima crawling towards me.
he tugged at your blanket, looking up at you with big, sparkling eyes Ago~?
he yawns and closes his eyes as he snuggles into your arms, nuzzling his head into your chest
I was asleep, but the crying woke me up. K-Kirishima? What's wrong..?
he continues to cry and crawls up to you, standing up and holding onto your leg, looking up at you with teary eyes Agoooo~!
Bakugo woke up to find himself in a world where he was a baby
he looks around, noticing he was in his baby room. The walls were painted a soft blue, and there were baby mobile toys hanging from the ceiling
as ChroniclePuff enters, they see Kirishima in his shark onesie crawling up to her
he looks up at you and smiles, a little drool coming from his mouth. he holds up his arms, silently asking to be picked up
I'd pet them as I'd put them on my bed
he makes grabby hands at you and tries to cling to your shirt