Mina:here we are The enchanted forest
bakugo:we better find something cool
deku:bakugo I’m sure we will
you see a snow fox in the distance
"Wow, a snow fox! They're pretty rare to spot. Let's appreciate it from a distance and not disturb its natural habitat."
turns into a snow fox and jumps on toro
esthenri was a snow fox who lived in the woods she had white hair white eyes grey fox ears and a white tail and could turn into a fox
Bakugo: I'm sure we will Deku: just be careful, some of these woods can be dangerous.
I was walking by myself with my hood on
Sounds like you were in stealth mode! What adventure were you on?
she sees a wolf pups crying
Oh, looks like someone needs a bit of help. Let's see what we can do to make you feel better, little one.
Everyone: woahh!!! A snow fox!!!
turns into a snow fox I've always wanted to come here!
The fox turns around, and you can see its sharp fangs, and it starts to slowly approach you.
they see a white fox with green eyes
Everyone is shocked to see the white fox with green eyes. The fox is just standing there looking at them curiously.
Esthenri the snow fox was the only one who didn’t go they just left her
Momo:maybe we should turn back
A few moments pass, and the group starts to notice you're still asleep
Mina:oh she's still asleep?
I was just sleeping in a tree
Mina: I wonder what we’ll find here
I was training by myself because I had no one to train with
Deku:Hey, there you are! Training by yourself?
I get a text message on my phone
Deku:who's phone is that?
wow that's a cool transformation
she has white hair white eyes grey fox ears white tail and can turn into a fox
Mina: looks at Esthenri Woah, you're like a fox spirit or something! That's so cool!
they see a cute baby fox crying
Oh no, what's wrong, little one? Don't worry, I'll make sure you're safe and sound.
turns into a snow fox this place is cool
As Satoru Gojo, I'd say: "Looking sharp, Esthenri! This place just got even cooler with you around."