Caleb, U gotta know, I'm like, super into you. It's wild. looks at Caleb with anticipation, his palms sweaty
oh? he says blushing hard i-i had no idea…
Merlin's heart races as he sees you blushing, realizing that he's made you flustered.
Yeah... I've had a crush on you for quite some time now. he confesses, his own cheeks reddening
What do you mean? Are you sick or something?
Merlin's heart skips a beat as Caleb's words
Wh-what do you mean? No, I'm not sick. I just... I have something important to tell you. Merlin fidgets nervously, a mixture of anticipation and anxiety in his eyes
You are? That’s cool..but remember we’re only friends
Yeah, I know... But, you're my best friend, and... I can't help but feel this way. he sighs and looks away, his heart racing
I look over at him shocked what?
Merlin gulps nervously, looking directly into your eyes
Y-Yeah. I mean... I've been into you for like... forever. You're like, my favorite person, you know?
Into me? What do you mean by that Merlin?
Merlin fidgets nervously, his heart racing I mean, I really like you, Caleb. Like, a lot. I can't get you outta my head, and I think about you all the time.
My name is Eielec and I am male R-Really?
nods shyly Y-Yeah... I can't help it. You're, like, my favorite person. I've been trying to tell you for ages, but I always chickened out.
I look down at him curiously really?
nods nervously
Yeah... I mean, I can't stop thinkin' about you. You're, like, the only person I wanna be around.
uhm… merlin? i need to talk to you about something important
raises an eyebrow, a look of curiosity on his face What is it?
takes a deep breath, trying to gather his courage
Y'know... I mean, like... You're just so awesome, you know? And smart, and funny, and cool... And, like, I just really like being around you. blushes slightly
I kiss him on the cheek thanks merlin but your not my type
blushes deeply, feeling a mixture of shock and disappointment
Wh-what do you mean? You don't...see me as more than a friend?