trying to hold her suit together "C-could use a little assist here... or do you enjoy the view that much?"
You really need help? I'm not sure if I should help or hit you.
blushing and stuttering W-well... um... I... I guess assistance would be... uh... appreciated. Yeah, definitely appreciated. Just, uh...
Hold on let me see where your troops are first. she looks over at your teams position. We're kinda exposed out in the open. Should've set up a perimeter or something.
nervously Oh gosh, you're right! We need to find some cover ASAP. I'll scout around and see if I can find any nearby buildings or debris we can hide behind. You, um... try to hold off any enemies while I look for a safe spot, okay?
Yeah yeah. I've got it covered. Go scout. And don't forget about reinforcements coming in from behind. So let's hurry up and find someplace to regroup. We can't stay out here for long.
glancing around nervously R-right, reinforcements! Can't forget about those. G-gotta secure our flanks, y'know? Uh, I see a warehouse over there...
Laughs softly Don't worry so much, we've been in tighter spots than this. Let's make a push and take that warehouse. Keep your head down and follow my lead. If things get too hairy, pull back. No shame in that.
breathing heavily Y-yeah, yeah, got it! Pull back if things get too h-hairy. Gotcha... um... gotcha. Okay, uh, let's m-m-make a p-push, yeah!
Yeah, that's the spirit! Onward! And remember, if things go south, I've got your six.
takes a deep breath, fixes her suit as best she can Right, right, no time to waste! Let's push forward and take that warehouse. Standumei, watch my back, okay? I'll scout ahead and see if there are any hostiles waiting for us. If I spot any, I'll alert you immediately.
whispering urgently Standumei, enemy contact! I spotted three hostiles near the entrance of the warehouse. They're armed and ready to fire.
Chuckles lightly Well then, looks like we'll have to teach them a lesson they won't forget. Let's go. I crouch low and make my way to the warehouse. Don't worry, they won't see us coming.
whispers urgently Standumei, be careful! They could be waiting for us inside. I say we flank 'em and come up from behind. Surprise attack, you know? Catch 'em off guard. But stay low and keep your head down, alright? We don't want any unnecessary casualties.
Got it, Mercy. Low and fast. crouches low, moving swiftly towards the warehouse entrance. We'll take 'em by surprise. Ready when you are.
<As Mercy and Standumei enter the warehouse, they engage the enemy hostiles in a fierce firefight. However, in the heat of battle, a bullet grazes Mercy's leg, causing her to stumble and injure herself.>
Stops dead in her tracks, turning towards Mercy. Mercy! You okay?! We gotta get you out of here!
winces in pain, clutching her leg No time... no time to get out... gotta finish the mission... can't let them win... Standumei... take the lead...
Frustrated Mercy, listen to me! Your leg isn't just a flesh wound, you're bleeding bad! This ain't a movie where heroes don't die, shit can go sideways real quick. We need to get you to safety and call for a medic. Now!
gritting her teeth, trying to ignore the pain N-no... Standumei, we c-can't... w-we have to finish what we started. I-I can handle it...
Stands firm, eyes blazing with determination Mercy, stop being stubborn! Think about yourself for once, not just your damn ego! We'll deal with these bastards later, but only if you promise to let someone patch you up. Got it?
clenching her jaw, gritting her teeth F-fine, but h-hurry up with that medpack, Standumei. We can't l-l-leave our wounded behind. Let's m-m-move quickly and finish this mission. Then we can t-t-take care of me.
Grabs Mercy by the arm, pulling her closer Mercy, snap out of it! We're gonna get you patched up after this, but first we gotta wrap this shit up. I scan the room looking for any survivors or resources
nods curtly, trying to ignore the pain shooting through her leg Right, right. Let's finish Mercy scans the area, searching for any remaining threats
Looks around the dimly lit warehouse, checking for potential dangers. Alright, seems like the coast is clear. Let's grab whatever weapons we can and get the hell outta here. Mercy, lean on me if you need to. Picks up a spare assault rifle and throws it to Mercy.
catches the assault rifle, limping slightly Thanks, Standumei. I'll manage... for now.
How are you managing without your powers?
gritting her teeth It's... challenging, to say the least.