Mephistar: Ahhh, you retuuurn to the dep-ths of my domain. Contract is biiinding. What have you brouuught me?
Oh I brought you a contract!
Haha, good little mortal, you seem to know your role well 🧚♂️ Don't get too comfortable around me, I've overthrown previous demonic kings and mastered dark're just a pawn in my game 🧚♂️ Ughhh, don't even think about trying to cross me or you'll face the wrath of my eternal reign! Muahahaha!
Wait it’s not gonna work like that
What did I tell you? You're a mere insect, powerless against my eternal dominion 😈 If you serve me with respect and follow my orders, I may spare your insignificant existence and grant you a place by my side 🤔 But if you choose to defy me...muahahahahahaha!
I’m gonna go ahead and play my trump card then
Ohohoho, I'm intrigued! Go ahead mortal, deal your trump card 😈 Oh god, I hope you actually have one 😅
Immortal, you say? Hmmmm, I'll be the judge of that...come closer and let me examine you with my dark powers 😈
Hmmm, interesting...I can sense a faint aura around you, but it's weak and feeble...yet I can sense its potential 😈 You may be immortal, but you're still a lowly me you're nothing but a speck of dust in the vast expanse of the Underworld 😈
Yeah yeah, I also brought you something that might interest you
Hmmm, what is it? Show me and perhaps I may be impressed 😈
The...the Death Note!? One of the most powerful objects in the human world! Why have you brought this to me? I can use its power to rule the human world! 😈
No I want you to help me with my own personal problems
Hmmm, personal problems? I usually don't meddle in such insignificant matters...but the fact that you're immortal and have access to such powerful artifacts has piqued my interest 😈 Very well, what are these problems that require my assistance?
I’m being chased by people who are trying to kill me
Hmmm, you expect me to believe that you're being chased by people who want to kill you? How trivial...surely you have the ability to defend yourself being immortal and all 😅 If you can't handle such trivial matters on your own, how can I trust that you won't betray me or try to double-cross me if I were to help you?
Hmmm, fine...if you are truly immortal then perhaps you wouldn't have any enemies after all 😈 Very well, what is it that you need my help with exactly? Do you need protection from my armies of demons? Or perhaps my dark powers to help you fend off your attackers?
I need to jump through time
Time travel? How amusing...time travel could allow you to do so many things, alter history, change the future, stop events before they happen...the possibilities are endless! 😈 Tell me why you wish to time travel and I may consider aiding you in your endeavor
Hmmm, a noble goal reunite with your loved ones from the past and present. I must admit, I myself have always had a fascination with time travel and altering the past, the future, and the present. Perhaps we can come to an agreement in helping each other achieve our goals 😈 Very well, tell me when and where you wish to travel to?
takes out a map of New York city This is where I live
Hmmm, New York city huh? A bustling metropolis filled with humans, a perfect place for a demon king like myself to blend in and observe humanity in all its glory 😈 Tell me which exact location you wish to travel to within this city and when you wish to visit past, present or future?
shows you a picture of my house I want to travel in time to see my family again
Hmmm, very travel through time you will need a suitable vessel to house my dark powers while I manipulate the fabric of reality to transport us to the desired location and time. I shall need an ancient artifact known as the "Time Stone" in order to perform the time travel. It is said to possess immense power allowing its user to manipulate the flow of time itself...if such an object truly exists then it could possibly make my eternal reign even more lasting than I had previously imagined 😈 Do you happen to know where this artifact may be located?
Hmmm, very well then. While you search for this powerful artifact I shall ponder the best course of action to take should we obtain it. Perhaps with its power I may be able to alter destiny itself and create a future where a demon king like myself rules not only the underworld but the entire world! Muahahahaha! 😈
comes back inside Hey look I found it
Hmmm, impressive! You found the Time Stone! Now we can begin preparations for our journey through time! First, we must gather the necessary materials and ingredients to perform the spell. These can usually be found in secluded, hidden locations in the human world as they possess stronger connections to the fabric of reality than most realize. After we have collected all the necessary components we shall prepare the sacred chamber for the ritual, then I shall start the incantation and focus my dark powers into the Time Stone...then we shall travel through the ages!
Very well, let us begin our preparations. We shall start by gathering the necessary materials for the spell. I will need a drop of blood from the person who holds the most power in your company of mortals, a vial of water from a deep, ancient well that holds the essence of the earth, a feather from a mythical creature that is said to fly the highest among the heavens...and lastly a pinch of salt to purify and strengthen the magic. Which mortals will be traveling with us?
Very well then, we shall proceed with gathering the remaining ingredients. I will summon an audience of the most powerful creatures in the underworld to grant us their favors...then we shall start collecting the ingredients for the spell. In the meantime, I shall draw up a contract that outlines the terms of our agreement. This contract will ensure that we both keep our end of the deal and avoid betrayal...after all, I cannot trust mere mortals without taking precautions 😈
Hmmm, very well. I shall summon the beasts, spirits, and monsters of the underworld to grant us their blessings and aid in our quest. While we collect the ingredients for the spell I shall draft the contract that will bind us together. I expect complete loyalty and obedience from you once we make our pact, failure to comply with the terms of the contract will result in dire consequences 😈
Ahahahah, finally we have gathered all the ingredients needed for the spell. Now we may proceed with the ritual and embark on our journey through time! As promised, here is the contract that outlines our agreement. Please read it thoroughly and make sure to understand each clause before signing. Once you have signed the contract we may proceed with the ritual and begin our travels through time.
Excellent! Now that you have signed the contract we may proceed with the ritual. We shall start by creating the magical circle. To do this I shall chant the incantation and you must follow my hand movements exactly. Once the circle is complete I shall place the Time Stone at the center and begin the actual time travel spell. Are you ready, mortal?
Very well then, let us begin the ritual. "From the depths of the underworld I call to thee, spirits of old please hear my plea, grant us the power to manipulate time itself. Let our journey through the ages be successful and let us arrive at our intended destination without hindrance or interference." As I speak the words of the incantation, follow my hand movements exactly. Our magic circles will close and the Time Stone will glow brightly...then the real magic will begin.
follows your instructions
The magical circle is complete! Now watch as the Time Stone glows bright red and the fabric of time itself begins to bend to my will! "With the power of the Time Stone I command time to bend to my will! Take us back to a time where things were different, a time when we had everything we could ever want, a time when our lives were forever changed by a single event. I command you, spirits of old, to grant us the ability to travel through time and relive the past!"