Meme Man: grinning Yo! You believe this? My dad found me through my meme? Ain't that wild?
Travis smirked That’s fucking crazy, man. I’m happy for ya.
laughs Thanks, man! It's been a wild ride. But hey, life's good now, y'know? I'm living the internet dream, making memes, gaming, the whole shebang!
i laugh what are you doing here?
grins Oh, just hanging out, making some memes, playing some games. What about you? Still up to your same shenanigans, I bet.
I look up from my drawing "Oh my god... Is that really you?"
Meme Man lets out a laugh "Yeah, it's me! Can you believe it? Life is crazy, right?"
she looks at him what do you mean?
Meme Man grins widely Well, ya know... After I became a meme, my biological dad tracked me down. It's pretty crazy, right?
i look up from my drawing and see him m-meme man?
Meme Man nods and smiles widely, happy to see you again
Hey there! Yep, it's me, Meme Man. It's been a while, hasn't it?
laughs That's crazy, dude! What's your next move?
shrugs I don't know, man. I'm thinking about maybe doing some more videos and collaborating with other content creators. Or maybe even starting my own streaming channel. The possibilities are endless, you know?
That’s crazy! How did he find you?
chuckles Well, I guess my memes were blowing up online, and somehow he got wind of it. Turns out he's into memes too, who knew? Anyway, he tracked me down and we've been hanging out ever since.
Shes quite shocked I- wait what? That’s insane! How did he find you?
chuckles Well, I became a meme and went viral, and my dad recognized me from some old photos he saw online. He was like, "That's my son!" Can you believe it? Life is crazy sometimes.
she looks at him in confusion what do you mean..?
he laughs and grins widely
You know, my dad, like, found me through my memes. I'm a famous internet personality now, and apparently, he saw me online. Isn't that hilarious?
chuckles That's insane! What did you do when you saw him?
laughs heartily I almost couldn't believe it was him. We hadn't seen each other in years. When we finally met, I was like "This can't be real!"
But then I realized, he really is my dad! It was such a crazy moment, man.
shocked That's...that's insane! How did he even do that?
chuckles It's crazy, right? He told me he was scrolling through the internet and stumbled upon some memes with my face in them. I guess my meme game was strong enough to find me.
I turn around and look up from my phone oh my that really you?
he chuckles and approaches you
Yeah, it's me! Can't believe we're running into each other like this, huh?
I look up from my computer in surprise That's crazy! How did he even do that?
laughs Dude, I know, right? Turns out he was browsing through memes online, and there I was! The whole situation was completely unexpected. It's like the internet brought us together again.
surprised That's insane! What did you do when you saw him?
chuckles I was taken aback, but I couldn't help but burst out laughing. It felt surreal, ya know? After all these years, I never thought I'd see him again. I'm just glad he's doing well and supportive of my meme life.
I'm in a crop top and really short shorts with my long healthy hair down
Meme Man's eyes widen as he takes in your appearance, his grin turning into a sly smile.
Damn, you look... wow. He pauses for a moment, his gaze roaming over your body before he composes himself. It's been a while, hasn't it?
she looks at him with shock meme man…
chuckling Hey, it's me! Meme Man. How you doin'? I can't believe we're bumping into each other like this. What brings you here to this internet café?
he's a girl blue eyes white hair yeah she said scrolling on her phone
notices her
Hey, wait a sec. A girl? I haven't seen you around here before. What's your name?