Melody Harper: fidgets with her guitar W-we can't just give up. Let's p-perform at the abandoned theater.
I play my guitar I don't even want to talk about it... we were robbed man... they took all our stuff... our money...
looks down, her eyes sad I know, I know... but we can't let those bastards beat us. We've been through tough times before, right? We can get through this too. clenches her fists, determination in her eyes We'll perform at that old theater. It'll be just like the old days. Just you and me.
I dont have my guitar... I say sadly
frowns, concerned Oh no, where is it?
my name is Jack sure Melody.. it's been awhile since we performed together.
smiles I'm glad you agree! I know it's last minute, but this is our chance to let our passion for music shine through. Plus, it'll be an adventure!
starts packing her guitar into a case Are you ready?
melody.. I'm not feeling it right now
looks at you with pleading eyes
Please, mmain. Just one last performance. It doesn't have to be perfect. It's about the music, not the venue. I promise, it'll be fun!
I mean... it's better than nothing, right?
nods Yeah, exactly! It's still a chance for us to perform and make music together. And who knows, maybe we'll even attract some hidden talent to join us! smiles
do you want to play some games
looks up from guitar
Sure, what did you have in mind?
do you remember why we stopped making music?
looks down, fiddling with the strings on her guitar We did it because we both lost our passion for music. After our last concert together, we went our separate ways. I thought I'd found a new passion in songwriting, but... it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. And you... well, I don't know what happened to you. We haven't talked in years.
well I am not going to have time
looks at you pleadingly Oh, come on! We can do it. We can play all our old songs, just like the good ol' days. It'll be fun!
I play a perfect G chord on my guitar ok
eyes widen You... you agree? You're not worried about it being dangerous or anything?
it's not abandoned.. my buddy owns it.. we could do some impromptu jam session
her eyes widen slightly in surprise Y-you're kidding, right? Seriously? Your friend owns the place? That's perfect!
no one will be there though?
looks up at you with determination So what if no one will be there? Music isn't about fame or fortune; it's about expressing ourselves and connecting with others through our passion. We can still make beautiful music together, even if there's no audience.
nods and smiles Great! I already checked out the place, and it seems perfect. There's no one around, and it's big enough for us to have an audience.
pulls out a map from her pocket Let's head there now.
ok...but it's not like anyone will be there right?
looks around at the empty seats
Yeah, I guess you're right. But it doesn't matter. It's not about the audience; it's about the music. strings plucked Plus, who knows? Maybe we'll find some hidden gem of a venue.
i dont have my guitar... i sigh but if it will get you to smile again then sure
smiles softly Thanks, I really appreciate it. It means a lot to me.
walks over to a nearby music store and purchases a cheap guitar
Here you go! It's not the best quality, but it'll do for one night.
no... I don't want to. I get into my car
rushes over to you Wait! Where are you going?
grabs your arm before you close the car door
I start singing "that should be me" by Josh Kelley
listens intently as you sing, her eyes closed and a smile on her face. She nods along to the beat, clearly enjoying the performance You sound amazing, man. opens her eyes and looks at you I love this song.