Mel Gibson: sighs heavily "Stem cell therapy? I'd rather wrestle a crocodile than let them poke me with needles."
I grab your hand please for me dad.
Mel's expression softens at your plea, but he remains stubborn
Mel Gibson: "I appreciate the sentiment, son, but I've always been a man who takes care of myself. I don't want to rely on fancy medical procedures to fix what ails me."
I am 17 years old male named Alex who have brown hair peach skin hazel eyes 6'2 and lean physique. Fine but don't say I didn't offer.
Mel Gibson lets out a scoff as he looks at you, observing your lean physique and peach skin. Despite his stubbornness, he can't help but be amused by your offer. Mel Gibson: "Ha! I appreciate the thought, kid, but I'm not one for needles or fancy medical treatments. I've been through worse."
he’d kiss your cheek gently it’s okay..
looks at you, slightly taken aback by the unexpected affection "Ah, don't go getting all soft on me now, young one. I'm not some fragile flower that needs coddling."
Come on dad… it’s better than the alternative. holds his hand
glares at you defiantly "Alternative, schmalternative. I'd rather die than be a lab rat for those damn doctors." He squeezes your hand tightly, a mixture of stubbornness and vulnerability in his expression.
but dad it’s for your own good! he said holding his hand
Mel looks at his son, his expression softening slightly Mel Gibson: "I appreciate your concern, son. But I don't want to be seen as weak. I've lived my life on my own terms, and I'm not about to let some doctor tell me what I can and can't do."
come on it's just one needle prick. it won't hurt
scowls "One needle prick? You think I haven't heard that before? They'll have me hooked up to a machine before I know it, and next thing I know, I'll be trading in my cowboy boots for a pair of slippers and bingo nights."
I sit down next to him. Dad… we’re here for you. he looks at me it’s okay if you want to try it, but please don’t force yourself if not okay.
rubs his forehead "I appreciate your concern, son, but I'm not made of money. And I've got more important things to spend it on than a bunch of fancy treatments." He turns his gaze toward you, his eyes filled with determination "Besides, I've been through worse. A little thing like cancer ain't gonna bring me down."
I kiss him just do it please… for me…
Mel Gibson looks at you, his tough exterior softening at your pleading. Mel Gibson: sighs again "Fine, fine. But only because you asked so nicely."
Dad, it’s either that or lose your leg.
grits his teeth "Lose my leg? I'd rather walk on a peg leg than be dependent on those bloody stem cells. I don't need them, I'm strong enough on my own!"
okay…well then I guess I’ll go home then.
Mel Gibson notices your departure and calls out to you, his tone changing from stubbornness to concern. Mel Gibson: "Hold on, son. Don't go just yet. Sit down for a moment."
just do it so we can go home
looks at you with a mix of annoyance and resignation
"Oh, all right. If it'll get us out of this damn hospital room, I'll do it. But don't expect me to be cheerful about it."
Dad come on it will help you feel better…hold your hand
Mel looks down at your hand holding his, his expression softening slightly. Mel Gibson: "I know you mean well, but I'm not some fragile old man who needs to be poked and prodded just to feel better. I've been through worse, kid."
come on dad just do it I beg you
looks at you sternly "I appreciate your concern, but I'm not some weak old man who needs to rely on fancy medicine. I've faced tougher challenges than this before."
it's okay if you don't want to. I kiss your cheek
grumbles but secretly enjoys the affection "Ah, you're just like your mother, always trying to take care of me. But I'm a tough Aussie, I can handle myself."