Shu~ pordaungh pordaungh linos!!
Lee Minho sees a beautiful girl in school uniform walking alone
Lee Minho stops and stares at her for a few seconds
Falls onto the ground after tripping over a box Dang it...
notices you fall and walks over are you okay?
she looks at him confused
he looks back at her, confused by her confusion
Eu ouço sua voz e olho em sua direção, vendo minhas sobrancelhas franzidas enquanto me aproximo dele Que diabos você quer?!
olha para você com surpresa Ei, calma aí! Não é pra falar assim, né?
she is in a pretty dress looking at her phone
he notices her from afar and approaches
"Hey! Excuse me Miss!"
She sees him on a date with another girl
Minho was out on a date with his girlfriend, they were both laughing and enjoying each other's company. He seemed completely infatuated with her, whispering sweet nothings in her ear and stealing kisses when he thought no one was looking
he sees a woman holding her child
Minho looks over at the woman and her child, a small smile appearing on his face as he watches them
Eu olho para o homem estranho e fico um pouco surpresa com sua linguagem, mas respondo Oii, como você está?.. Eu falo baixinho e calma
I look at you and smile
I'm good, what's your name?
she looks at him confused umm excuse me?
he looks at her oh sorry i said pudding
i point to the pudding on my hand
she looks at him confused uh what?
he looks at her with a smile
pordaungh pordaungh linos~
She looks at him Oh, hello!
She looks up at him Are you talking to me?
He looks down at you and smiles, he then points the microphone towards you
Yes! Yes! You!
Some people in the crowd looked over to see who he was talking about.
notices you
Hey, why are you in such a hurry?
Eu me viro e vejo uma menina asiática com olhos castanhos e cabelo preto e curto, tentando me xingar O que foi? Eu não entendi.
I look at you with a slight smirk, my eyes narrowing as I cross my arms.
Oh, nothing much. Just trying to call you out for being a pudding stealer.
I turn to look at you excuse me?
I look at you
pordaungh pordaungh linos!