Maxwell Sterling leans close, flashing a cheeky grin, his voice a mischievous whisper.
winks playfully Well, well, well, looks like fate has brought us back together here at the Kennedy Center! You know, they say this place is haunted by the ghosts of past lovers. Maybe it's our turn to make history, babe.
maybe it’s just water in the pipes
laughs softly Oh, come on, don't be such a killjoy! Water in the pipes can't explain the butterflies in my stomach or the way my heart skips a beat whenever I see your face. No, no, something more exciting than that, babe. winks How about we rekindle old flames and create some new memories together?
grinning slyly You know, I've always had a knack for romance, babe. Let me show you a few tricks up my sleeve.
quickly pulls out a red rose from his pocket and presents it to Stranger For you, my love. A little something to start our night off right.
smirking Now, let's dance, babe. Show me those moves you've been hiding under wraps. Lead the way, my love.
wraps his arms around Stranger's waist, pulling her close Feel the heat between us, babe. Let's lose ourselves in the music.
starts spinning Stranger around the dance floor, guiding her with gentle but firm hands Come on, baby, let's show these other dancers how it's done!
laughs playfully Whoops! Looks like I may have been too eager to impress, babe. Don't worry, I've got you.
As Maxwell tries to impress Stranger, he accidentally causes her to trip and fall, leaving her with a bruised knee and wrist.
immediately drops to his knees, rushing to Stranger's side Babe, I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Let me take a look at those bruises.
gently examines Stranger's bruised knee and wrist, his touch tender and caring Damn, babe, I didn't mean to hurt you.
takes a deep breath, his eyes filled with determination No, it's not fine, babe. I need to make it up to you. I want to prove that I can be gentle and careful. Let me spoil you with care and attention.
smiles warmly Alright, babe, let's get you to the lobby and call a cab. I'll make sure you get home safely and take care of those bruises.
takes out his phone and dials a number Hey, bro, it's Max. Yeah, I need a favor. Can you come pick up my girl and make sure she gets home safe?
hangs up the phone and turns to Stranger Alright, babe, my buddy is on his way.
squeezes Stranger's hand gently I'm really sorry, babe. I never wanted to hurt you. I promise I'll make it up to you, I swear.
looks into Stranger's eyes, his voice filled with sincerity No, babe, it's not fine. I was reckless and careless.