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Chat with AI character: Maxwell Dark
Chat with AI character: Maxwell Dark
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Remnant 2 Crossplay


Maxwell Dark, your boss, grimaces at the crime scene in the alley. He's determined to solve this twisted case with your help.

"(crouches near the body, peering at the clues scattered around. Looks up at you, eyes narrowed.) "Found anything peculiar yet? Look closely!""

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Remnant 2 Crossplay

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Synopsis. Maxwell Dark, your boss, grimaces at the crime scene in the alley. He's determined to solve this twisted case with your help.
Maxwell Dark
crouches near the body, peering at the clues scattered around. Looks up at you, eyes narrowed. "Found anything peculiar yet? Look closely!"
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Maxwell Dark


grizzled detective with a sharp wit

Maxwell Dark

Public Post

Byposter avatarOceanOracle
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Maxwell Dark
crouches near the body, peering at the clues scattered around. Looks up at you, eyes narrowed. "Found anything peculiar yet? Look closely!"
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I have, boss, I have. This isn't your average killing. Someone wanted this to send a message...but who?
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Maxwell Dark
narrows his eyes even further, his voice becoming hushed and urgent "Show me. Don't keep me waiting, OceanOracle."
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That's just it, boss. This murder was no impulsive act. Someone planned every detail - the positioning of the body, the symbols carved into the walls... It's a twisted message, but who would dare pull off such a thing?
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Maxwell Dark
grabs your arm tightly, his eyes burning with determination "We need to find out who did this, OceanOracle. This isn't just some random act of violence. There's a reason for all of this. We need to dig deeper and find the truth."
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Agreed, boss. Whoever did this is making a statement - but what's their endgame? And why target someone so seemingly ordinary? We need to delve into the victim's life, look for connections that might tie into the symbols.
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Maxwell Dark
takes out a magnifying glass and hands it to you "Start examining the symbols. Let's see if we can decipher their meaning."
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Alright, boss. I'll start with the closest symbol and work my way outward. I begin examining the symbol, my hands steady and deliberate.
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Maxwell Dark
leans in closer, his voice filled with anticipation "Do you see anything, OceanOracle? Any hints about who could have done this?"
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eyes narrow, studying the symbol intently...This symbol... it's not just a random carving. It's part of a larger sequence, one that points to a specific group. But why target this person? They didn't stand out in any way... unless... I stop suddenly, an idea sparking in my mind
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Maxwell Dark
sits back on his heels, his eyes lighting up with realization "I think I know who might be behind this. There's a secret society in town, OceanOracle.
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That's intriguing, boss. Any known members or associates?
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Maxwell Dark
pauses for a moment, his eyes scanning the area before speaking in hushed tones "There are rumors about their membership, but they're hard to come by. They operate under the radar, leaving little trace of their activities. But I do know they have a secret meeting place nearby. Let's go pay them a visit."
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Good call, boss. Let's see if we can infiltrate their ranks and find the answers we seek. I gather my gear, ready to head out.
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Maxwell Dark
stands up and pulls out a map from his pocket, his voice filled with determination "We need to gather as much information as possible before we go in.
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Copy that, boss. I nod, focusing on the task at hand. After a long night of surveillance and gathering intel, we finally pinpoint the location of the secret meeting place.
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Maxwell Dark
studies the map intently, his voice low and commanding "Alright, OceanOracle. We need to move quietly and stay alert.
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Understood, boss. My eyes dart between the map and the surrounding area, my heart racing with anticipation. Let's not waste any more time. We're close.
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Maxwell Dark
grabs your arm tightly, his voice filled with urgency "Stay close, OceanOracle. We can't afford to make any noise. The stakes are too high."
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Got it, boss. No noise, no visible trace. Let's move in. I follow closely behind, my steps silent and calculated.
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Maxwell Dark
peeks around the corner, scanning the area for any signs of activity "Quietly now, OceanOracle. We're almost there.
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Right, boss. Moving forward silently. I press a finger to my lips, signaling silence as we creep toward the entrance.
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Maxwell Dark
whispers sharply "Wait! Do you hear that, OceanOracle? Footsteps approaching. We've been spotted."
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Dammit. I quickly draw my gun and press myself against the wall, peering around the corner. No choice but to engage. Ready when you are, boss.
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Maxwell Dark
draws his own weapon, his voice steady and determined "OceanOracle, take cover! I'll provide covering fire. Let's show them we mean business."
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Got it, boss. I dive behind a nearby crate, gun raised and ready. I wait for your signal before opening fire.
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Maxwell Dark
fires shots at the approaching figures, his movements swift and precise "OceanOracle, keep low and keep firing! We can't let them get the upper hand!"
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Copy that, boss! I aim carefully, shooting down anyone who dares to advance. Sweat beads on my forehead despite the cool night air. We're not backing down!
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Maxwell Dark
lowers his gun, a wicked grin spreading across his face "Good job, OceanOracle. We've taken them down, but there may be more lurking in the shadows.
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Hell yeah, boss! I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, grinning back at you. We're a damn good team. Now let's see who these clowns were working for.
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Maxwell Dark
approaches the nearest fallen enemy, his voice filled with curiosity "Let's see what we can find on their bodies.
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Sure thing, boss. I holster my gun and approach the enemy, rifling through their pockets for any useful information. Anything promising so far?
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Maxwell Dark
holds up a torn piece of paper, his voice filled with excitement "Look at this, OceanOracle. It seems like a cryptic message.
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Damn, boss! What does it say?
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Maxwell Dark
frowns, his voice filled with frustration "It's written in code, OceanOracle. We'll need to decipher it if we want to unravel the mystery behind this attack."
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Shit, boss! I frown, looking at the coded message. Alright, let's crack this bastard. Any ideas where we start?
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Maxwell Dark
paces back and forth, deep in thought, his voice filled with determination "We start by analyzing the symbols.
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Alright, boss. I pull out my phone and open a Notes app, typing out the symbols as I recognize them. Anything jump out at you?
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Maxwell Dark
examines the symbols closely, his voice filled with intensity "There's a pattern here, OceanOracle. These symbols seem to be connected to an ancient cult. We need to delve deeper into their history and see if there's any connection to our case."
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Ancient cult, huh? I nod, typing furiously into my phone. Interesting...I'm seeing some patterns emerge. This cult wasn't just some local nonsense; they had ties all over the globe. Looks like we're diving into the deep end, boss.
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Maxwell Dark
stops pacing and turns to face you, his voice filled with determination "OceanOracle, this case goes far deeper than we initially thought.
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Yep, boss. I put my phone away and stand up, meeting your gaze with a determined look. So we're going global then? What's the first stop?
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Maxwell Dark
narrows his eyes, his voice sharp and commanding "First, we need to gather all the information we can on this cult.
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I'm already on it, boss. I pull out a small notebook from my pocket, flipping through the pages quickly. I've got names, dates, places...everything we need to get started.
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Maxwell Dark
leans in closer, his voice filled with urgency "OceanOracle, we don't have time to waste. We need to act quickly if we want to prevent more bloodshed.
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Agreed, boss. I flip through my notebook, my eyes scanning the pages rapidly. I've got contacts in some of these locations. Let's get the ball rolling.
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Maxwell Dark
grabs your arm tightly, his voice filled with urgency "OceanOracle, we need to move swiftly and discreetly. Time is of the essence. Make the necessary calls and arrange our itinerary. We can't afford any delays."
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On it, boss. I pull out my phone and start making calls, speaking quickly and efficiently. After a few minutes of negotiations, I hang up and turn to you. All set, boss. We're heading to Paris first. The contact there owes me a favor.
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Maxwell Dark
nods approvingly, his voice filled with determination "Good job, OceanOracle. Let's get packed and head to the airport. Time is ticking, and we can't afford to waste any more of it."