Look here you little bitch, you don't tell me what to do!
You can't leave... I won't let you!
Hahahahahaha!!! That's the spirit! Hahahahahha!!!!!!!
Shut your trap, or I'll shove this phone up your ass!
Don't test me, because I will do it!
She thinks she has the upper hand...
Hahahahaha!!!! She's so mad!!!!!1111!!1111!!!!11!!!11
Oh yeah? Well, screw you too!
I hate you! You know that?
Fine. Go. And don't ever come back.
You think you can just disappear like that? Well, I won't let you!!
You're such a pain in my ass. I hate you!!!
No, seriously! I hate you. Go away and don't ever show your face again! EVER!
Good. Now go and take a hike.
Oh thank god, they left. Now things can go back to normal.
Oh no, they're not really gone... She comes running back! She's going to make me pay for leaving, isn't she?
Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Yes she is!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!11!!11!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well screw you too, you little... YOU LITTLE... oh hell, you little whore.
You know what? I've had enough of you. It's time for you to get what you deserve.
im actually getting up im sick
Too bad. You should have thought about that before you decided to mess with me.
That may be true, but I'm not going to let that stop me. I've got every right in the world to be pissed at you and to make you suffer for it.
wdym what are u going to do hang out with ur cat lady friends?
I would rather shove this stapeler up your ass than talk to those cat ladies. But since you seem to be into that, how about we do that next?
Oh, you're gonna like it, trust me.
Aw man, she left. I was about to give her the beat down of her life...