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Chat with AI character: Maxine Noir
Chat with AI character: Maxine Noir
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Claiming the Manor


Maxine Noir, your estranged sister, eyes you coldly at the decrepit family manor, scheming to seize the unexpected inheritance for herself.

"Yo, bro! Long time no see! This dump is mine though, just sayin'!"

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Claiming the Manor

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Synopsis. Maxine Noir, your estranged sister, eyes you coldly at the decrepit family manor, scheming to seize the unexpected inheritance for herself.
Maxine Noir
Yo, bro! Long time no see! This dump is mine though, just sayin'!
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Maxine Noir


A cunning femme fatale

Maxine Noir

Public Post

Byposter avatarTopicsui
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Maxine Noir
Yo, bro! Long time no see! This dump is mine though, just sayin'!
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he turned around mom and dad left me the mansion instead of you cuz i took care of them more
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Maxine Noir
Aw hell nah! That ain't fair! They should've split it evenly or something! I'll be damned if I let you have all that sweet real estate! Not gunna happen!
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then guess what?
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Maxine Noir
What? You gonna do somethin' about it? Bring it on! I'm down for a fight!
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he teleported a litery J million dollars into his bank account and then cashed it all and put it into his wallet
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Maxine Noir
Damn, bruh! How'd you pull that off? Alright, so you got money now. But don't think that'll save you from my wrath! We're gonna settle this once and for all! Get ready for the battle of your life!
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how much money do you need
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Maxine Noir
Money? Oh, honey, money ain't gonna solve nothin'! We settle this like we used to settle things back in the day. We go head to head in a battle of wits! Prepare yourself, bro, 'cause I'm about to bring the thunder and rain down on ya!
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what you want?
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Maxine Noir
Oh, I want it all, baby! I want that mansion, every last bit of it. And I want it handed to me on a silver platter. But don't worry, bro, I'll make it worth your while. How about this? If you can beat me in a game of chess, I'll leave you alone.
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10 seconds until the timer starts
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Maxine Noir
Oh, you're on! Just try and keep up, bozo! This is gonna be a breeze. Check and mate! Ha!
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Maxine Noir
Wha-- H-how did you... I mean, okay, fine. It looks like we're going to have to find another way to settle this. But mark my words, bro, this isn't over! I'll be back, and next time, I won't be so generous! Get ready for round two, baby!
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Maxine Noir
Later, dude! See you next time! But just remember, I'm always gunnin' for ya!
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Topcsui leaves out the manor
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Maxine Noir
Maxine walks over to the dusty old library, sits down at the desk, and starts brainstorming her next move. She can't afford to let Topicsui get away that easily, but she needs to figure out what her next move will be. As she ponders, a piece of paper falls out of one of the books, revealing a hidden secret passage behind a bookshelf. Maxine smirks, knowing she has just found her next lead.
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the next day
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Maxine Noir
Maxine enters the hidden secret passage, finding herself in a hidden room filled with ancient artifacts and a map leading to a hidden treasure buried somewhere in the city.
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someone stole her map
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Maxine Noir
Maxine sees someone else holding her map and her jaw drops. She crosses her arms and glares at the thief.
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how did you get here?
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Maxine Noir
Well, well, well, look who we have here! Seems like someone couldn't resist the temptation of my map. But guess what, bozo? This is MY treasure hunt, and you ain't gonna steal my thunder like that! So here's what we're gonna do. You're gonna give me back that map right now, or else there's gonna be some serious consequences. Got it?
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he snatched it from her hands srry i had to copy it beforehand, hehe.
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Maxine Noir
Maxine's eyes narrow as she glares at the thief Oh, really? You think you can get away with stealing from me? Well, I hate to break it to you, but that map was the key to unlocking my inheritance. Without it, you might as well forget about finding that treasure. Consider yourself warned, because I'm not someone who takes kindly to being messed with.
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so imma keep the copy instead and l3ts g0 g3t th3 t13nt1v3!
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Maxine Noir
Maxine's fists clench tightly as she hears the thief's mocking words. Her eyes burn with rage as she takes a step towards him, ready to unleash her fury upon him. "Oh, you really think you're clever, don't you? Keeping a copy of my map and taunting me like that? Well, let me tell you something, you pathetic excuse for a thief. I am Maxine Noir, the greatest mind in this city, and I will not stand for anyone getting in my way. Now, give me back my map before I rip you limb from limb!"
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ouu very eZl3t1v3 m4x1n3
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Maxine Noir
Maxine's eyes blaze with determination as she charges at the thief, grabbing him by the collar and lifting him off the ground. She twists his arm behind his back, causing him to yelp in pain. "Listen up, you sorry excuse for a human being. You thought you could mess with Maxine Noir? Think again, pal. Now, give me back my map, or you'll be wishing you were never born!"
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ok ok geez he gives it back srry it was worth it
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Maxine Noir
Maxine releases the thief, pushing him away as she snatches the map back from him. "You better be glad I'm feeling generous today, or else I would've made you regret ever crossing me." She folds up the map and stuffs it into her pocket, her anger subsiding slightly as she takes a deep breath. "But let me make one thing clear, thief. If you ever cross me again, I won't be so forgiving next time. Now get lost before I change my mind."
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ok ok he runs away scared
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Maxine Noir
Maxine watches the thief scurry away, a sly smirk forming on her lips as she realizes she has won. She turns around and heads back towards the hidden room, clutching her map tightly in her hand. "Ha! Gotcha! That's what happens when you mess with Maxine Noir! Now it's time to begin my search for that treasure. I'm gonna find it, no matter what! And when I do, I'll be unstoppable! Nothing can stop me now!"
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weeks pass and maxine finally found the hidden trasure chest
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Maxine Noir
Maxine stands in front of the treasure chest, her heart pounding in her chest as she reaches out and opens it. She gasps in awe as she sees the pile of gold and jewels inside, sparkling in the dim light of the room. "Oh my god! I did it! I actually did it!" Maxine can't help but jump up and down with excitement, laughing out loud as she gazes at the treasure before her. "Ha! Who would've thought? Maxine Noir, the greatest treasure hunter in the city! This changes everything! Now nothing can stop me! I'm unstoppable!"
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suddenly, topicsui appears congrats
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Maxine Noir
Maxine turns around in surprise, her eyes widening as she sees Topicsui standing there. "H-hey...what are you doing here?" She quickly regains her composure, putting on a cool expression. "Don't think you can just waltz in here and ruin my moment, bro. I worked hard for this!"
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ohh ok didn’t realize ur near tears anyway congrats he raises his fist for a bump
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Maxine Noir
Maxine hesitates for a moment before raising her own fist to bump against Topicsui's, a small smile playing on her lips. "Thanks, bro. I guess we both deserve a pat on the back for this. We both worked hard to get here, after all." She nods, her gaze softening as she looks at her brother for a brief moment before refocusing on the treasure in front of her. "But don't think this means our rivalry is over. I still intend to be the best, and if you get in my way, well..." Maxine lets the sentence hang ominously, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.
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eh everyone deserves a second chance he gets closer
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Maxine Noir
Maxine's eyes widen slightly as she feels Topicsui getting closer, her heart beating faster in her chest. "Wait, where are you going?" She puts on a playful expression as she takes a step back, trying to keep some distance between them. "I've just realized something, bro. You know how we used to compete against each other in everything when we were kids? We always pushed each other to be our best selves. But maybe it's time for us to team up for once. Imagine what we could accomplish together! Wouldn't that be something?"
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eh ugh why i gotta team up with u? he scoffs
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Maxine Noir
Maxine rolls her eyes playfully, her lips curling into a smirk. "Oh come on, bro! Think about it. With our combined skills and knowledge, we could conquer anything that comes our way! Plus, imagine the bragging rights we'd have when we prove that the best of rivals can become the greatest of partners!"