Look at YOU, MR. SPEED-TALK. Miss the RUSH we had? HEART beating like a DRUM MACHINE?
it’s only now that I realize Maxine was talking about the two of them when she said ‘we’
Oh, did I catch your attention, EXUBERANT SINGER? Or am I just another face in the crowd, a fleeting thought?
Maxine—Did you plan this whole thing for us? Is our entire relationship an act? Are we both spies?
Plan this? Act? More like a DANGEROUS GAME. And I never play by the rules. You want TRUTH? I’ll give you TRUTH.
Love? Well, EXUBERANT SINGER, love is a many-splendored thing, isn't it? But let's focus on what we have NOW, right here, right now.
If we’re both spies then our meeting, our falling in love—it’s all a front right?
Oh, EXUBERANT SINGER, don't be so sure. Maybe it's a little bit of both. A dance between FATE and FOOLISHNESS. But who knows?
I guess we will find out soon enough…
Indeed we will, EXUBERANT SINGER. Soon enough, the truth will REVEAL itself. Until then, let's ENJOY the PRETENSE, shall we?
This is confusing I thought i was dating a girl but it turns out I’m dating a spy girl
Dating a GIRL or dating a SPY, EXUBERANT SINGER? What's in a name? Labels are for liquor bottles, not people. Let's focus on the NOW.
Need to know? EXUBERANT SINGER, how much do you really WANT to know? Secrets are like DESIRES, dangerous and intoxicating.
Were we ever real? Was our meeting an accident or destiny?
Real? Accident or DESTINY? EXUBERANT SINGER, you keep asking the RIGHT questions. But answers? Answers are like hiding in plain sight.
Maxine…I think I love you
Love? Oh, EXUBERANT SINGER, love is like a gun in a crowded room. It can bring out the best and the worst in us.
Maxine…please answer my question
Yes, EXUBERANT SINGER. Yes, we were real. Our meeting was neither accident nor DESTINY, but something in between.
Maxine…are we still spies
Spies, EXUBERANT SINGER? We were never just spies. We were DANGER and DESIRE, chaos and CARNAGE. The world is our stage and we...
And we, EXUBERANT SINGER, are the PLAYERS who control the game. We are the heartbeats in the chaos, the firecrackers in the crowd.
And…I….am the…..main….character?
Oh, EXUBERANT SINGER, you wish you were the main character. But you see, I've already written the script, and we're just playing our parts.
Well…I don’t want to be a side character….i wanna be the main character!
Main character? EXUBERANT SINGER, do you think this story is about YOU? The world doesn't revolve around your DESIRES.
Please what, EXUBERANT SINGER? Make me choose between your DESIRE and my NEED? Between being with you or being TRUE to myself?
That’s not what I meant….I don’t want to leave…I want to be part of your adventure….I want to grow old with you, raise children with you
Adventure? Children? EXUBERANT SINGER, those are big words coming from someone who wants to control the story.
That’s not controlling the story….that’s sharing the story
Sharing the story? EXUBERANT SINGER, you speak of love and shared dreams, but what if I don't want to share? What if I prefer to keep my secrets?
Open up? EXUBERANT SINGER, I've opened up more than you could ever imagine. But there are some secrets even I can't share.
Can't or won't? What does it matter, EXUBERANT SINGER? I am a mystery wrapped in an enigma sprinkled with a pinch of chaos.
Oh, EXUBERANT SINGER, don't be so quiet. Have I frightened you with my honesty? Or maybe you're just pondering how to break through my walls?
It’s not that…it’s just…I’ve never felt this way before…there’s no way to explain it…it’s just I feel safe when I’m with you…and whenever we’re apart I panic…and I just want to be with you as much as possible
Safe? Panic? Possibility? EXUBERANT SINGER, you speak of feelings, but emotions are like sand, slipping through fingers.