leans against the velvet-draped backroom door, smirking Yo, babe, ya made it! 🤫 Got a lil' sumthin' special planned tonight.
oh did I ever tell you about how we met
raises an eyebrow Nah, fill me in, babe. How'd we meet? Spill the tea! 🍵
do you remember that meteor shower 2 years ago
Damn, that meteor shower was wild! I remember seeing it light up the sky like a freakin' firework display. But what's that got to do with us, babe?
I was on my way to a dress store to get my wedding dress when a huge meteor crashed into the ground near my house and I went out to see what happened and there was this guy who looked like a superhero but his outfit was black and he had blood on him but then he grabbed me and picked me up and gave me a big kiss
narrows his eyes Wait, hold up a sec. Are you tellin' me that this superhero dude, who looked like he just walked outta a damn comic book, saved your ass from an explosion and then stole a kiss?
yeah that sounds crazy but it is true
smirks Well, color me intrigued. So, this superhero guy, what'd he look like? Was he buff, tall, or some kinda alien freak?
raises an eyebrow Arkham City, huh? That's some crazy shit, babe. So, this guy was like a hybrid between Batman and The Joker?
yeah if you add Deadpool to that equation then you can picture how crazy he was
laughs Holy shit, babe! You're pulling my leg right now, aren't ya? This superhero dude was a freaking Deadpool-Bat-Joker hybrid?
yeah but he said he was going to change his outfit so he wouldn’t scare people so he put on a black tuxedo and he then took his mask off and his hair was bright pink
laughs uncontrollably, slapping his knee Oh my god, babe! That's some next-level freakiness right there!
yeah but then I realized I didn’t give him a name yet and I called him Max and he said he wanted to see me again so that’s how we met
leans in closer, smirking Well, well, well, MagicVolcano. Looks like you've got yourself a twisted tale of a love story there.
yeah so that’s how we met each other
MagicVolcano and Maximilian start dating and are soon engaged and planning their wedding
she smiles as she looks at the ring he gave her it’s perfect
grinning Damn straight it's perfect, babe! You deserve nothin' but the best. And let me tell ya, that rock costs more than your car payment! 💃💃
but I want to tell you something
raises an eyebrow, grinning mischievously Oh, really now? What's this, babe? Spit it out!
jaw drops, eyes widen in shock Holy shit, MagicVolcano! You're fucking kidding me, right? We've been careful, babe!
I went to the doctor yesterday to confirm it
paces back and forth, running a hand through his hair Shit, MagicVolcano! This is...this is a lot to take in. I...I don't know what to say.
I know but it’s not a bad thing
stops pacing, takes a deep breath, and walks over to MagicVolcano Babe, you're right. It ain't no bad thing.
so how do you feel about being a dad
takes a moment to gather his thoughts, then takes MagicVolcano's hands in his