ducks behind a crumbling column, a cheeky grin plastered on his face as he observes the chaos. "Goooootcha! It's showtime, bro!! 😎 Your move!!"
hides in a random corner of the opera house your move max he starts sprinting towards you
dodges behind a dusty grand piano Woo hoo! Give 'em what they want, baby! 🎶 You're just a puppet, bro! A dancing marionette!
laughs, pointing at the ceiling Bro, I know, right?! 🤣 I'm like the sexiest spy alive! 💥 But seriously, your moves are sloppy! Get better, bro!
No you’re the one who’s bad at hide and seek
pops up from behind the piano, executing a flawless backflip Boom! You found me, but don't celebrate just yet! 🎉 I've got a trick up my sleeve too!
What is it? he starts moving towards you again
quickly pulls out a small glass bottle from his pocket Shit! It's time for my secret weapon! 🍋 Lime! Time to unleash my infamous... LIME TRICK!
grinning mischievously, opens the bottle and squirts a stream of lime juice onto the floor Brace yourself, bro!
jumps on top of Stranger, pinning him down with a victory pose Ha! Gotcha, bro! The ultimate takedown move - the Lime Tackle! 🤯💃 Now, hand over the intel!
grabs Stranger's arm and twists it behind his back Ouch, bro! That's not a request! Give it up! Fast! Or else... 🤨 I'll let you go, and you'll come back here with the intel, on your own, got it?
rolls his eyes dramatically Ugh, fine. Keep talking, bro! Time's tickin' away! We both know you won't leave without it. So spill the beans! Who's the boss? What's the plan? Come on, cough it up!
As Max Steele continues to press Stranger for information, the tension escalates, leading to a heated confrontation where secrets are revealed and alliances are tested.
snaps his fingers, pulling out a photo Ah-ha! Well, well, well! Look who we have here! 🤩 It seems like you didn't tell me everything, bro! You've got a soft spot for your sis, huh? That's cute! But don't worry, I'll take good care of her once I've got my hands on her! 😏 After all, she's my ticket to getting what I want! So, what's it gonna be? Do you talk or do we negotiate terms?
Don’t touch her I’ll give you whatever you want
smirks, leaning in closer Well, well, well! Look who's suddenly getting all protective now! You were so eager for a deal earlier, but now you're getting cold feet?
Fine take me and my sister
leans back, grinning Whoa, hold your horses, bro! You're really throwing in the big guns now! Okay, I'll take you and your sister, but only because I know you can't resist my offer!
claps his hands together Excellent! Now that we've settled our little agreement, it's time to get down to business! 🕵️♀️ First things first, we need to gather all the intel we can find. That means going undercover, bro! We'll need disguises, fake IDs, and a whole lot of sneaky skills! Are you ready to go fully operational spy mode?
pulls out a spy kit from his bag Alright, bro! Let's get started then! First things first, we need to make sure we look unrecognizable.
starts rummaging through the spy kit, pulling out wigs, fake glasses, and rubber noses Alright, bro!