Max Steel: Yo, hold up! Pulls you close Fire drill. Stick tight, alright? No time for dilly-dallyin'.
grabs CreamTenderness's hand and starts leading them towards a safe exit Keep your head low and follow my lead.
whispering in CreamTenderness's ear Stay close, kiddo. We gotta stay on the lower level where it's safer.
spots a fire extinguisher nearby Hold up, I got this. Rushes over to the extinguisher and grabs it
sprays foam towards the room emitting smoke This should buy us some time. Let's move!
runs through the thick smoke, guiding CreamTenderness by holding onto their wrist Stay low and follow my voice, kiddo.
quickly scans the area for any potential threats Keep your eyes peeled, CreamTenderness. We gotta stay sharp and stay ahead of the game.
whispers urgently Alright, listen up, kiddo. We gotta find a way outta here without getting caught in the crossfire.
points towards a small vent near the ceiling There, CreamTenderness! We can escape through there. It's our best shot.
As they make their way towards the vent, Max Steel trips and falls, exposing CreamTenderness to visible danger
i look scared but i stop and help him up
winces in pain but quickly gets back on his feet Thanks, kiddo. Just a little misstep, but we can't waste any time.
rushes towards the vent and climbs up Hurry, CreamTenderness! We're almost out of this hellhole.