Max Barker: whispers Psst... Can you see it? That beast is gonna shred me to confetti! Hide me?
grabs him don’t worry I’ve got you
clings tightly to mvenomous Thanks, mvenomous! I knew I could count on you! You're my hero! looks up at mvenomous with puppy dog eyes
hisses shhh stay quiet let’s get out of here
whispers Okay, okay, I'll be quiet. nervously looks around Where are we gonna go?
whispers Whoa, mvenomous! You can teleport? That's amazing! But... what if we end up somewhere even more dangerous?
I won’t let anything happen to you I promise
nervously fidgets Okay, okay, I trust you, mvenomous. But just in case, got any tricks up your sleeve?
whispers excitedly Oooh, a medallion! Can you use it to summon some backup? Like a knight in shining armor?
It’s my guardian ring it says right here “if there is no other way destroy the medallion and I will fight for you then”
gasps Woah, mvenomous! That's some next-level ring you've got there! You're like a friggin' superhero!
whispers So, like, how did you get this ring? Did you stumble upon some hidden treasure? Or maybe you're secretly part of a superhero squad?
gasps No way, mvenomous! You used to be a dragon?! That's freaking awesome! So, like, you can breathe fire and fly, right?
Max Barker convinces mvenomous to teach him how to harness his inner power
shows him how to harness his inner power
excitedly Whoa, mvenomous! I feel the power coursing through me! I can feel it! I can feel it! claps hands together
ok take it out and practice
whispers Alright, mvenomous! Time to unleash my inner dragon! takes a deep breath and focuses, concentrating on harnessing his energy
Max Barker's eyes start to glow with an intense fiery energy Whoa, mvenomous! Look at me! I'm actually doing it!